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Show TTheGirlWhol Had No God I By MARY ROBERTS RINEHART I A pulse-stirring tale of a beautiful young girl who succeeds her father as leader of a band of intelligent intel-ligent anarchistic bandits. A Narrative of Mystery, jjl Courage, Love and Sacrifice Watch for and Read OUR NEW SERIAL I 1 Sour Stomach. This Is a mild form of Indigestion. It Is usually brought on by eating too rapidly or too much, or of food not suited to your dlgestlro organs. If you will cat slowly, masticate your food thoroughly, cat but little meat and none at all for supper, you will moro than llkoly avoid tho sour stomach stom-ach without taking any medicino whatever. When you have sour stomach take one ot Chamberlain's Tablets to aid digestion. adv. I EXCURSION EAST Via I 1 OREGON SHORT LINE I UNION PAGIFIC SYSTEM May 12, 16, 19, 23, 26, 30; g I June 2, 6, 9, 13, 16, 20, 23, 27, 30; I I July 4, 11, 18, 25; I 1 August 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; I . J September 5 and 12, 1917. ',1 Special low fares to Denver, Colorado I Springs, Omaha, Kansas City, I Chicago, St. Louis, St. Paul, 3 Minneapolis, Memphis and 3 many other points. Long Limits; Diverse Routes; H Stop-Overs. Ask 0. S. L. Agents for rates and I further details. f I $1500.00 FOR I BEET GROWERS I Tho Amalgamated Sugar company J will givo to Its beet growers In Cacho '11 county nnd southern Idaho, $1500 U In prizes, to bo distributed as fol- VM lows: ftl Respective districts comprise the? H following towns: A , WM District No. 1. ($300) Wellsvillc S Mendon, Hysum, Paradise, Avail.. Mlllvlllo, College ' H District No. 2. -($300) Provf-. H denco, Logan, Grcenvlllo, Hydo Parle,, ',t Uonson, Smlthflcld. - M District No. 3. ($300) Lewistorr.. fl Kent Spur, Pond Spur, Pillion Spun. lM I District No. 4 ($3.00) Falrvlowr; H Ileckstcad Spur, Preston, Whltnoy,- H Nashville, Franklin, Richmond. HH District No. 6. ($300), Including? all tho towns west nnd north of Hear H river to McCammon, Idaho. H Moneys awarded as follows: $100? tM for best 20 acres or moro; $75 for H best 10 acres or more; $C0 for best H 5 acres or moro; $40 for best 3 acres'. MH or moro; $25 for best 1 aero or more- i .;M Tho basis of determination ishalB-' WM bo: 1st, best Btand after thinning.'. fB 40 per cent; 2nd, clennllness of floldV. J 20 por cent; 3rd, slzo nnd shape or ' H .beets, 20 per cent; 4th, tonnngo, 20 JH por cent. fl Knch contestant will bo limited to jH ono entry. Applications should bj - M mndo not later than tho 30th dny of H jjuno, 1917. Judging will bo dona- IV by selected field men. I VI THIS AMALGAMATED SUOAR CO: ;" First Chautauqua appearance of James Goddard of the 1 B Chicago Grand Opera Company, World's Greatest iBj Bass-Baritone. Assisting Artists, Ruth - Ra Ray, Violinist; Rohert Yale Smith, g! ffl Pianist. Admission $1.00. w um LOGAN CITY' i : CHAUT UQL A WEEK j I June 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 I 26 BIG ATTRACTIONS I SEASON TICKETS : $2.50 I Children's Tickets $1.00 I BUY YOUR I SEASON TICKET TODAY 1 I AT THIS OFFICE I I |