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Show b H BBBBBBBfl H D B M B H H H H m H LLI bLI LLB aLaf LLA bbbbbbbbbbI bbbbbbB bbbbbbI bbbbbbB bbbbbbI bLbbW LbbbB bbbbbbbw' bH m bbBbbbbI H H bbbbbw bbBbbbf HB bH Bfll Bflflfll BflflflflflflflV' flflflff Bflflfll flflfli flflflflflflr flflflflflflflflr flflflfl flflflM '" HHf HHHH HHHHHHH flHHV flflflfl HHB flflfli flflfl flBflflBflfl MV 1HBHB HBHI I I JUNE Will be Celebrated Bigger JUNE I 15th and Better than Ever at 15th I FRANKLIN, IDAHO I Two Big Patriotic Meetings in the Opera House and Meeting I House at 10 a. m. B Good rousing speeches. Singing. Readings. Prof. Engar's Famous Chorus Girls Will Be Present Bucking Horse and Steer Riding, Pole Climbing Contest and Other Field Sports B Big Carnival Attractions, Base Ball Game Logan Full Hyde Park Millitary Band will supply music B and Wellsville during day and evening B Eldred's famous Merry-go-Round and Ferris Wheel GRAND BALL 9:30 p. m., in the New Opera House H A ' I, Our distinguished guests are: Hon. M. Alexander, Governor; Hon. W. T. Dougherty, Sec. of State; Hon. C. Van B ! Deusen, Auditor; Hon. John W. Eagleson, Treasurer; Hon. T. A. Walters, Attorney-General; Ethel E.Redfield, I B" I Supt- of Schools; Prof. Fred J. Pack, of the University of Utah, and many Utah state officials. B" K This will be the Greatest Patriotic Demonstration ever held- in FRANKLIN I RATES ON ALL RAILROADS. WELCOME TO YOU! .t. I i I Making Two Ears of P If Jl orn row Where pSM wJW Only One Grew Before y If W ot ctl1n tlie "CM amount of rnln at tho B f "S,U l'"'e' iS "e "f tllC )ri"cil)al causes of $Ji Xllr Tl'ls iS ,wst histor' however, on thousands YflrV fi dku WX n 'rofital,le f:,nns throughout the country. M m.y These farms use Klectrie Power, nnd motor L W ItLJ driven pumps allow irrigation in the right l w ' Wv) Tllcrc nrc suitnl,'e G-E Motors for running ' 1 H n "'"chines in the Barn, in the Dairy, and -vol. V Vl , Fid'1' A,most cvcr' t"l mul chore fY3? ' I (I) m n '"" can be done more rapidly, more if CV f V economically nnd more safely with Electric P iOur Power It at yo:r corr.rr.i.-.d tt ony Jf time, day or ni-ht, t!.rt..::isu Cia yonr. Utah Power & Light Co. i Efficient Public Service '" |