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Show Eastern Theater of War Where Russians Are I Reported to Have Defeated Germans In Poland. I (7Al - KHft I 3 - riC Ibc v I v w$c&Zo JLXL VvS7 v J M GERA1AM ATTACKS I v l -s?fVJiUft V" A) 7 JM AJI $& REPULSED LJfZ- & 1JF rfSv'S RUSSIANS i bgKjL JL- vfejry take radom r& rfatfBfifertK ta, fen vf5L,k BATTLE RAGING rt &fATnmBu SYV afvfcL fr 7 1 "g ALONG THE SAN The b.ittli Hue In tliu onstuni nrcnii of wnr slilftud rniililly to tliu west on tlio cuntor. The Itusslnn rlsht prcsiMl stemllly forward In K:ist Prussia. In tlio center tliu Austro-German nrmy which marched on Wnrsaw continued w fall lial-U, with the czar"s forces In pursuit. In Gallcla, the Itusslan left, thuro was fierce lighting uloiig the San, ' pspoclallv nutli of 1 rt'tnvsl , |