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Show FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE LESSENING Cold Weather and Rain, It Is Said, Will Wipe Out Trouble Washington, Nov. 9. Cold weather, with rain, in states infected in-fected with the foot and mouth disease was hailed by department depart-ment of agriculture officials today to-day as a powerful ally in their campaign to suppress the rapidly rap-idly spreading livestock epidemic. epidem-ic. Encouraging reports came from some sections during the day, but news of more affected districts caused the department to extend the federal quarantine quaran-tine to include Delaware. New Jersey and Rhode Island and to bar cattle shipments from Can-nda. Can-nda. Thirteen states now are under quarantine. While no cases of the disease have been found in Canada, the quarantine against the Dominion Domin-ion is to prevent the return of affected cattle cars to the United Uni-ted States. It will stop shipments ship-ments of cattle into the United States, valued at approximately S8.000.000 a year. Figures by the bureau of foreign and domestic do-mestic commerce show that for the nine months ended with September imports from that country aggregated 114,792, valued at J5,0I50,491 . For the month of September last 20,70(3 head of cattle were imported, valued at $1,07G,21G. The effect on the meat situation situa-tion in the United States of the Canadian quarantine cannot bo estimated immediately, according ac-cording to department officials It will depend upon whether imports im-ports from Canad have been If most of the Canadian o.r tie are brought in for fattening the shutting off of impor' no v would have no immediate effect upon the supply and price in this country, as they would not be put on the market until lat" spring in any event. On the other hand, if the imports have been for immediate slaughter ,the embargo will lose no time being felt. Upon the receipt of reports today from field agents in Indiana Indi-ana and Michigan officials expressed ex-pressed the hope that the disease dis-ease in those states had now 1 been brought under control. Reports Re-ports from Pennsylvania indicated ind-icated that the disease had ' spread to Lancaster, York and 1 Allegheny counties. |