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Show DR. THOMAS ; STUDY RECLAM- riTION PROJECT Hits Itccn Appointed Ity (intern- t H ii it' ti t lo Inwsdnnte And Make ir H Dr. George Thomas of the j fl Utah Agricultural college at i H Logan has been appointed by ,' H the government to study the H economical and sociological con- 1 1 ditions of the farmers on gov- j M eminent reclamation projects of t H the west. This is a new depar- f M ture of the department of agri- j jH culture at Washington, the de- ', M partment having heretofore ,r M given all attention to engineer- M ing features in the arid lands of M the west and getting settlers M for the lands after being re- M claimed. M The purpose of the govern- iH ment in this new work is to as- tH certain the' condition in which : H the possessor of the reclaimed H government lands really is. The ' H government has no official re- I H cord of the economic struggle of ' lH the reclamation tiller, other I H than that many are forced to jH give up farms from proverty ;H and hunt elsewhere for a liveli- ' IrH hood. Dr. Thomas was appoint- ' lElH ed last August to study this !elH matter in Nevada and Idaho ji'iH especially and to make nn of- !l ficial report. ll Dr. Thomas will visit most lil all of the homesteads in the re- 'IjH claimed government lands of 'IIH the.se two states and in Utah. 11 He will find out as near as pos- lH sible the financial condition of IH these farmers on the reclamn- ' H tion projects and the condition jH of home life. H Dr. Thomas has been put ov- H cr this work in the fourteen 1 H western states. He will first I H visit the reclamation projects of H Idaho ami Nevada. November tlH 2!5rd of this month he intends to i lH leave for Nevada to spend a 01 week on the government project 't'l which extends over the Cali- ll fornia border line. This will iH take him into California on the ! initial trip. IH He intends to visit as many , H of these homctcads as possible ill during the winter and will Jl spend all summer nt the work. H The government is operating llH the new work from the Utah iH Agricultural college of Logan jH and Dr. Thomas has been put in '1 chnrge. 1 |