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Show TWO DUELS NOT FOUGHT. Blimarck Figured In Both, But Scored Only In One. HlBmnrck and nechherg, tho Austrian Aus-trian premier, decided to flfiht a duel upon a certnin morrow "Why not now?" gald Illsmnrck; "we have our pistol)) here." And they aRrceVl to a duel thero nnd then. Uut first Bismarck Bis-marck had to write a dispatch to his government Riving the cause of tho duel. This ho asked ItechberB to for-ward for-ward In case he (Bismarck) fell, nechberg read the report and his passion pas-sion cooled. "What ou say Is quite correct." ho remarked, "but is it really worth fighting a duel for such a reason?" rea-son?" "That Is exactly my opinion," said Bismarck, and tho matter ended on the spot. That was Bismarck' triumph, tri-umph, but Vlrcliow scored when the "Iron chancellor" challenged him "Here aro two sausages," said Vlrcliow. Vlr-cliow. "ono filled with trichinae, tho other perfect! wholesome. But they cannot be told anart i.et his excellency excel-lency do mo the honor to eat one and I will eat tho other." The duel was not fought. |