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Show No Sewerage Yet. ' ( Council Considers Matter but lays it Over for a time. . The city council met in special ses sion Wednesday evening to consider i the question of sewerage. It develop- v ad that accurate Information in regard re-gard to the cost was very hard to obtain ob-tain and nothing dclinlte was accomplished. accom-plished. After considerable discussion discus-sion the matter was laid over to be called up at the discretion of Mayor Robinson. In tho discussion it appealed that it could not be determined whether we really want to put In the system until un-til we know the cost; the cost can not t be arrived at until tho route Is decld- j cd on and to decide on a route means 'K. the expenditure of $300 or $400 for engineer's en-gineer's services. Councilman Evans, In behalf of the committee which went on an Investigating Investi-gating tour, reported that at Ogdcn 33 blocks of sewer pipe had been laid at a cost of $2.10 per foot to the abutting abut-ting property. At Ogden It was necessary nec-essary to excavate ten feet. The sewage sew-age at Provo is dumped Into an open ditch Just at tho edge of town and there has never yet been any complaint. com-plaint. Committee is inclined to feel that a main fiom Main street to the sloughs west of this city could be laid for 13,000. Engineer Schau'b was asked as to the fall necessary and what appeared ap-peared to. bo the feasible route. Ho suggested that Third North street ' would bo the pronor street for tho main to traveise. Center street Is very high and excavation there would be much more expensive Tho question of raising tho mono) was considered. It was given out that the sewerago system could bo constructed on tho plan of tho waterworks water-works system, under the same law In fact. In this caso tho city would probably pay tho greater cost of tho 1 mains and tho citizens for laterals and connections. ' However the lack of definite de-finite information was rather prominent. promin-ent. 8 |