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Show Commercials Hustling. Advertising Logan and June 9-10 to Beat the Band. "Hilly" McAlister, the original and only Hilly who unloads Immense amounts of St. Joseph, Mo., truck on Cacho Valley merchants, is hero at his old tricks again. Like every other Commeiclal who hits this territory now he talks Juno 0-10 as If he were getting $10 an hour for It. McAlister is one of the most enthusiastic of the whole bunch and doesn't tlreof telling what "tho boys" aie going to do, tho numbcis that will be here, the "stunts" they will have In the.paradc, and tho advertising that Is being done. Hilly Is at the head of the advertising advertis-ing and tiansportatlon and has never let up since It was decided to como to Logan. All the commeiclals have been olllclally notified several times and havo been urged to I'lways write "Juno i)-10 U. C. T. day" from now on, aficr their signatures on the hotel registers over this country. 2,000 buttons have been ordered and In a shoit time Commercials can be Identified Identi-fied by these. The button bears on Its face a grip with "U. 0. T." across It and carrying a young cherub. Above and below this aro tho words "Take mo to Logan, Juno H-10." It Is conll-dcutly conll-dcutly expected that nine tenths of the commercials In this western country will be here, and tho committee com-mittee Is now going after their families. The latest bit of advertising advertis-ing sent is the following circular letter mailed to hundreds of lady relatives of tho commercial men. Salt Lakh City, April 10, 1005. To the Ladles: Wo want the mothers, wives, sweet-hcaits sweet-hcaits and sisters of every Commeiclal Traveller to consider themselves a committee of ono to help the U. C. T. boys make our annual outing June Uth and loth at Logan a grand success. Were jou with us last June; If so null said; If not, wo know you heard about It, Und will Join us this year. The ladles of Cathe A'alleyare using every elfort to perfect arrangements for entertaining en-tertaining 500 Commercial Travelers, their wives and friends and wo know how well thoy .succeeded last year. Iieln us not to disappoint them this year. Let's give them that number to entertain. We want von to talk Logan at jour sewing cltcles, your afternoon teas, jour card parties, while out shopping, oven going home fiom chinch Sun-dajs. Sun-dajs. It would do no harm to ask jour friends If "they will meet jou In Logan June lith and loth." Now a coulldcntlal woid to tho mothers and wives. Don't jou know that jour son or husband has been working the entire jear? Needs a little test lest, don't ho? This Is our only holiday. Don't It grow a little tiresome hearing hear-ing why "we didn't sell Rill Smith" or, "what a hard drive wo had through Malad and Castlo Valley" and of the "Sam Jones order that the credit man wouldn't show and how Doolittlc & Co. aro cutting tho price on beans and safety pins," and a lot of tommy rot like that. Help us to shake oil the constant grind for Just two days. Can't we shaie Just two days or your :t05 In getting a little better acquainted acquaint-ed with our fellow travclleis and their families, also our customeis, to whom we owelso much, and their families? Now lcmcmber 'LOGAN" Is tho watchword. Talk Logan, think Logan, Lo-gan, dream Logan, and by all means go to Logan June uth and 10th. Sincerely yours, Kknkst Williams, Oscau Hkmknvvav, C. II. McMaiion. Committee on Oeneial Ariangc-ments. Ariangc-ments. Our colors blue, gold and while. Wear them. According to McAllister there will be two trains from Salt Lake on Juno 0, the llrst leaving at I) o'clock, the last one Just a little later. He says thattheic will not be one less than a thousand on those two trains. All tho boys are anticipating a glorious time. |