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Show WellsvilleCany on Feasible Mahler Electric Line will Enter Cache County at Wcllsville. D. R. Robeits went to Hrlgham City Wednesday and there met Mr. H. Mahler, promoter of the electric In-terurban In-terurban between Payson and Logan. Mr. Mahler wanted to go over the proposed pro-posed loute between Hrlgham City and Logan, so he and Mr. Roberts drove through Wcllsville canjon, tinally coming on to this city. Mr. Mahler says tho canyon route is quite feasible as the giade is not more than a 4 per cent one any place, and most of It but a two per cent grade. In the casta twelve per cent grade Is struck quite frequently. According to Mr. Roberts, Rob-erts, Mahler says tho road will be built despite anything Ogden may do. However, he is satislied that Ogden will giant some sort of favorable franchise. fran-chise. The plan of leaving Ogdcn off to the side Is considered and will be resorted re-sorted to In case Ogdcn Is finally obstinate ob-stinate In the matter. Mr. Mahler lemalncd in Logan Wednesday night and went south the following morning. |