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Show Description of War Vessels. Ilnttleshlps are heavllj armored, vessels, carrying largo and heavy guns, whose defensive and offenklvo qualities ate moio Important than their speed. Cruisers have greut speed; It they nre armored, they approach ap-proach the battleship, If protected, they carry armor over the most vul nerable parts; If unprotected the) de pond on their speed for safety Monitors Moni-tors are low-Ij ig -vessels of roinpain lively little si d. with re living tur rets, wherein the heavy guns are placed, they nre principally for har hor defense. Gunboats aro light draft cruisers. Torpedo boats are very fast, low-lying vessels, armed principally princi-pally with lorpedoes; torpedo boat desM'0ers are larger and faster lor pedn boats. Corvettes aro sailing vessels, ves-sels, smaller than frigates. Dispatch boats aro on' swift vessels used for carrying dispatches. |