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Show WERE THE ONLY PRIVATES. i Daughter of Revolutionary Anceit . 1 Msde Discovery. At the reception which followed n orivenlUin (if Sons nnd Dnushters of the Revolution, one linndfomo young wiTinn wa vpccinlly ohserved. She w.is not iiilj Ijeuiillful, but who boro ! In iM-lf with iMPiit dignity. Surely sho ii'MHt come of tiniiHiiitlly distinguished hi'oco, relh-'ied the young man from tie Weft. I'.ivlng obtained nn Intrt.-diTtloii Intrt.-diTtloii to her. he could not resist tho t I'ptntlon to ask some questions. "Your Revolutionary fnmlly record," he said tentatively, "Is a remarkable one. I suppose?" "Yt's, It Is," she replied promptly. "My gronl-gresit-grcat-Bramlfnthcr, a MnsNichni-clis farmer, sent his six foils to llmikrr Hill, nil prlvato eol-:tl' eol-:tl' rT " Xx'hlte the oiing man was looking at her, KOineul' ( surprlsod, she glanced CMitlmisly ri mill, as If fearful of he-Ut", he-Ut", ovpihenr . "It is not r. iiernlly known," she i-nlil lurrlPilly, "tut there Is a stain upon ww record. One of the six ll'camo a ei "nrnl! "Still," she resumed tl'o dlsgraee of It Is lost In l reeird of the other five, who remninel privates even until the surri'iiilrr nl Yorlttnwn. I emifexs that mice I did ii' ; appreciate this thing nl t: into vn'ue. Hut attendance nt many gnlhi'iltigs of the Sons nnd Daughters nr-l hearing .ho speeches nnd llslenlng to the reeords nnd other statements has convinced mo that beyond be-yond doubt those five ancestors of ours were the only privates In tho Revolutionary Revolu-tionary armies:" Youth's Companion |