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Show INSANE WOMAN'S FREAK. Shot at Her Husband and Then Killed a Policeman. In a sudden fit of Insanity, Mrs Minnie McKdnzIo tried to kill her husband at her homo on Falcon street, Bast Boston, then shot and fatally fa-tally woundod Patrolman Alfred M, Sturdlvant, and finally barricaded herself In tho front room of hor tone-mont tone-mont whero sho remained for mora than five hours standing off a squad of ten policemen. She waa finally captured by tho uso of gormlcldo Injected In-jected through holes In tho barricaded door. Whon overcome by the fumos she was found to be armed with two large revolvors and had n largo amount ol ammunition. During tho baxrlcade sh fired more iian fifty shots, man; going wldo Into a crowd of 5,0M people peo-ple which bad gathered about the houso. |