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Show Penelope. BB She walks demurely through tho town jHfl When April ilnys arc sweet; Mj Tbn sun sldties nn her lilac cnwn Hfl IAnd ilnnecs nt her feet. H And every btoKpom nn the wny BB Huh cunning eyei In cee BjH Mow well Hbe miilehen with tho day, VI Thin full- l'emlniic. B.1 I will eb her from my window ledge; MM 1 iIiik her where she koo.i. HI Yel loller bashful at the hedge HI Dexpltn my S.ibbnth bose. JHJ Fur, nb' ulie UoiiIh inn hlRh'nnJ low IHJ The town folk laugh In gleo HB Sure, hiss, thy heart 111 mall should go, JHJ And not In dimity. MM I see her on the denenn's wnlks MM Thitiiigh bnx-llued palhw-nys go; fll She Ktrolls among tho hollyhocks jH That bloKxoni mw nn row. HJ All crbnunn-elail. tbey Haunt and swell jH Above her fiubeluw'K, IHJ As might about Home city hello i fll A ijni.-ix) of beaus. flH She heedetli nnt my Highs or rhymes; HBj .My life Is nut of tunu; Hb What c.i re for Iho Knster chimes, Wl Tho whltii I.ent-IIHcN' bloom? WM Ah, piilhec, sweet, next Hastertldo , 1 may walk forth with thco; HI Just thou jind I, anil I.nvo besldo H A goodly company, H Theoilnsln Pickering Harrison In I.lfo. Hi |