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Show The New Bank H The Articles of Incorporat Ion of the iBB Cache A'allcy Banking Company were "IwMI filed with the County Clerk on Mon- BB day of this week and the opening of UwA the new bank Is announced for Mon- BHfl day, June 13th. The offices of the IB Utah Mortage Loan Corporation have ;BBl been cntliely remodeled, modern bank BBfl fixtures have been added, and the IBB new bank opens for business under IBBJ most favoiable conditions, and with " .BBl assurances of a laigc patronage. 'BBfl The stockholder arc for the most MVfl pait Utah men, in fact, Cache Valley mH capital contiois the bank; still Eastern BBl capitalists arc sutllcicntly interested BBg and arrangements are already con- -Bl sumatcd, whereby ample facilities arc BBJ assuied foi all demands of legitimate jBBJ banking and foi furnishing capital ftl whenever icqulrcd foi the upbuilding IB of Cache Valley and Utah. It might UBJ be added that all of the furniture of B the new bank, as well as thelltho- BBJ giaphlc work and the signs thatadoru jB the building arc products of Utah flVd BBJ A general banking business will be BYj conducted, and a special feature is BvJ made df the Savings Department, vBfl where deposits will bo iccclved in fll amounts of One Dollar and upwards BBJ and Interest paid on same, compound- BBJ cd quarterly. BBJ The ofllccn of the bank are Thomas BBJ Oldham, president; Geo. II. Champ, jBBJ vice-president; A. II. Thompson, BBJ second vice-president; J. E. Shepard, BBJ cashier, who with Hyrum llayball, IBB Wm. L. Allen and Frank Knox form BBJ the directory. BBJ The general loan business of the BBJ Utali Mortgage Loan Corporation will BBJ be conducted as heretofore in their iBj quarters on Tithing Otllcc corner, but BBJ will be entirely separate and distinct BBJ fiom that of the bank. IBB The business of this Corporation wa BBJ established In 1802, incorporated In . AVJ 180(1 under the laws or the State of IH Utah and has steadily grown from BB jeartojear until now it enjojsthc BB the laigcst farm loan business of any BB concern In tho State, and is better BB prepared than ever before to meet the tVfll demands of Its customers. 9B Tho Utah Mortgage Loan Coipora- BB tlon is alt limes leady to aid in every BB possible way the advancement of Utah jBB and her people. BBJ |