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Show The Might of a Lie, I Task of Overtaking an Untruth Has Well Been Described as a Hopeless One How Fabrication Wrecked H Political Career of John G. Carlisle. I !' HflB Probably tho most Impossible, i hopeless task on earth Is to overtake I a lie. Tho other day ox-Speaker John O. Carlisle, now n successful lawyor for great corporations, with nn old-fashioned old-fashioned homo In North Washington Washing-ton square, passed along Pino street with tho easy gait uf a plow horse. Two citizens saluted him and when ho had passed on ono remarked: "There used to bo tho making of a president In that man. Tho entlto country looked up to him. If Jt had not boon for his Cynthlnna speech tho northern democracy would havo been solid for him, and, of courbe, he owned tho southern wing. The speech ruined him. Ho retired from politics with n broken heart and settled In Now York to make a llttlo money." Hero la an extract from thnt famous, fa-mous, heart-rending speech: "l deny that tho United Stntes la n nntlon! It Is n vicious system that has destroyed sovereign stntes nnd oppressed nlno millions ot pcoplo In tho south. It u state has no right of Bccosslon she certainly has no right ot revolution. The most Infamous order over IsBtied was that of tho attorney at-torney gencrnl only a fow days ago, which caused sixty companies or feol- i diera to march to South Cnrollnn to ! I take charge or tho ballot box and HJ I ovorawo tho voters ot that iwor. flj down-trodden state, tho paradise of flj carpet-baggers and scalawags. Hut HJ tho day will como when South Caro- Bj linn will rid herself of tho barbarous IflJ i political buzzards of tho north thnt IS hnvo ted on her carcass for the last IflJ cloven years nnd robbed white nnd H black without discrimination." jt! For ten years Mr. Cnrllslo tried to r)ff3 run down that report of his Cynthlnna mSl speech, but It had too big a lead. At EjflJ I one tlmo ho thought It overtaken nnd yj9 , bldo-tracked, but several years later KM I tho Tribune of this city resurrected It 19 1 In tho original form. Mr. Cnrllslo ox- 9m plnlnod: "I did not say that tho gov jM eminent Is a 'vicious system,' but that mm at that tlmo the policy of tho admin- ill Istrntlon wns vicious; I nlwnys hold S that tho constitutional right to secede jF'ft did not oxist; thero wns no verbatim M teport of the speech, for no reporter S was present; nn opposition paper PB picked up from tho nudlcnco n fow M strny recollections or what 1 said, gfl strung thorn together nnd published fl them." Hut tho llo novcr wns nailed ffi and Caillslo's hopes of political honors M were dashed. flj |