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Show TO CHECK THE MELON LOUSE. Every year groat damage la ilono by tho melon louse, which usually gets Its work well started before it is Interfered In-terfered with. Preventive measures aro the first to be looked to. They consist of denning up,and burning tho rubbish and weeds In ami around tho melon field, especially if that Held has before, been Infested by tho melon louse. Tho young vines should bo examined ex-amined every day for tho flr&t np-pearanco np-pearanco of the lice, nnd the work of destroying them should begin as soon as they are found. Spraying with a tobacco decoction Is ono of the best remedies known, as It Is generally effectlvo nnd is not likely to tnjuro tho young plants. Ono method of making this decoction is to pour two gallons of hot water on one pound of good tobacco stems and nllow It to stand all night. This may bo applied cither in a spray pump or by means of an ordinary sprinkling can with very finely-perforated "rose." Kerosene emulsion emul-sion is sometimes used, but caro must be taken not to hae It strong enough to lujuro tho leaves. When tho lice are to bo smoked, tobacco may bo burned In a saucer or pan under a tub or a box over tho vines. Tho box should bo left over tho plants tor nn hour or more, to lnsuro killing of tho insects. On tho question of using carbon bisulphide, an experimenter at tho Oklahoma station says: "Treating "Treat-ing tho melon louse with tho times of carbon blsulphldo (hokcy poky) is a comparatively slniplo operation, but has tho disadvantage that unless It is done with caro not to uso too largo a doso or expose tho plants too long to it, it may injure tho vine's. Two tablespoonfuls poured Into a saucer or a pan and placed bcsldo tho plant to evaporate', tho wholo to be covered Immediately with a tight box pressed into tho soil and allowed to remain In that position for an hour and a half, has been found to do tho work of killing tho Insect. In making tho test of this method before applying it to tho Held it will bo well to sco that tho test Is mado with tho temper-aturo temper-aturo as high as it Is likely to bo In practice." |