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Show VERY STRANGE GTORY. Woman SaM to Have Shot Htrtelf nnd Then Leaped From a Window. Mrs. Grlfllth, wlfo ot CcloneS Griffith Grif-fith J. Griffith, ono of Los Angoles park commissioners ond owner of tho laigo Los I'ellz ranch, lies nt the California Cal-ifornia hospital nt Loa Angeles In a serious condition ns tho result of a bullet wound In her forelioad. Mrs. Grl .ith leaped out of tho third- story window of a hotol at Santa Monica. Sho fell a dlstanco of flf-toen flf-toen foot onto a veranda, from whonco she crawled Into a second-story window. win-dow. There was a bullet wound in hor forchoad, Just above; the? right tomplo. Colonel Grlflltl' says that In packing pack-ing their trunks his wlfo picked up a Irovolvor and accidentally discharged it. Tho bullet struck hor In tho forctcad and, ho says, sho rushed to ,tho window and leaped out. " - :,-' at -w |