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Show w In the semi-arid belt in North K, Dakota, macaroni wheat last year It gave thhty bushels per acre, which In sold at 76 cents a bushel, and ordinary I wheat twelve bushels an acic, which tj sold for 70 cents a bushel. The con- II ,l dltlons for growing tho two kinds of !, wheat were Identically the sune. fl hI. This dlfTeieneo In favor of tho maea- -nlF r0nl 'S Mort,1' of consideration by the BISf farmeis, not that all should now "go BFIg in" for this kind of wheat, but rather 'B )W that farmeis should mako an InteM-I InteM-I .'w gent and decided clfort to giow that W product which will bring the best reft', re-ft', turns. Farming need not be the hap-. hap-. R hamrd sort of thing It has always I leen regarded, but instead should bell be-ll come what It can be an exactsclence. i In a general way the faimer Is at the L mercy of plagues, pestilence and tho i' weather, but by painstaking Industry jK combined with Intelligent lenearch, " W$ "o can ovetcome moil of tho (lllllcul- tim tics. |