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Show ASSASSIN OF LINCOLN. Man Who Recently Suicided Declared to Be John Wilkes Booth. An Enid, Oklahoma, dispatch con tnlns tho following: Junius Brutus Uooth, the actor and nephow of Johr Wilkes Hooth, tho nBsnssIn of Piesl dent Lincoln, hnB fully Identified the remains of tho innn known as David K. George ns his uncle. George, or Hooth. committed suicide Jnnunry 11, 1901, and in his effects was found a letter directed to J. L Hates of Memphis, Tenn. Mr. Hate camo hero and fully Identified the body ns that of John Wilkes Hooth. Ho then went enst and has obtained positive Identification of tho remains from tho dead man's nephow and fron Joseph Jefferson, Miss Clara Morrle and a score of others who knew liltn in his early days. According to Mr. Hates' Btory, he had acted ob Hooth's confidential ngent and attorney for nearly forty years. After Lincoln was shot tao assassin csenped to the Ganett plantation in Virginia. According to Mr. Hates, tho muti who wns killed wns named Huddy. He ing warned, Hooth left Garrett's and wns tnken care or by friends In central cen-tral Kentucky. He later settled at Glenroso Mills, To.ns, where ho con ducted a store for several years ns-John ns-John St. Helen. |