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Show BUSINESS OF . THE COUNTY Of More or less Importance Trans- I acted by County Board. On the leconimendatlon of Robert Hertford and others, .Tames AY. Lindey was appointed to till the acancy caused caus-ed by the lcslgnatlon of Thomas Lloyd from tlie constabulaiv of Mt. Sterling. The resignation of Mai Inns Coolcj-, Justice of the Peace of Newton Prc- fi rJL- cinct, was accepted, and on motion of r Darlcy, John E. Griflln of said place was appointed to fill the vacancy. A contract for furnishing the county recorder with additional steel vaults was awaulcd to Mr. C. S. Pul- ver, representing the Ait Metal Con- k structlon Co. C. O. Dunn asked that an amuont be appropriated to assist In putting In a certain dam near his land in College precinct, and on motion of Darley $."0 was appropriated. Commissioner Anderson was appointed ap-pointed a committee of one and with power to act In matter pertaining to the placing of a gate In the fence belonging to the county and crossing the Logan, 11 dc Park and Smlthflcld canal. . Two lines, one of $i in the ease of Alfred Andicw, and the other against Hyium Kuiren In the sum of $160, had been paid to county treasurer Instead of to the State. Clerk Fairell was authorized and dhected to draw a wanant foi $175 on the general fund of the county and turn it oer to the pi oper people. Mr. II. E. Ilanceyandothcrsappcai-ed Ilanceyandothcrsappcai-ed before the Hoard regarding certain hoiscs belonging to HjdcPaikpaitics, which had been oideicd killed by lca- son of being allllcted with glandeis. t s Mr. Hansey stated that it was gcnei-ally gcnei-ally belieed that these horses so killed wcic not alllleted with said disease, and the Hoard was thciefoie asked to appoint some person to diagnose afflicted animals in oidei that valuable valu-able hoises be not unnccessaiily killed. On motion of Anderson said mattei was icfeiied to AttornejOlaughan. |