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Show it ;1 UTAH MUST 4 : ill BECOME KNOWN, H I ji Utah Development League Urges B I f i Of All Commercial Organi- i H 'j i ff zations in State. Object is 1 H T t i- to Get Resources of jf '" f f ' State Before i fllc I if People Q H' I H 7 B 'i I In lino with its announced policy of a B ' I jj pitniiotiiig tho commercial and ccon- A i omlc B'fnro of tlio state tho Utah sQ B t I , Development Lcnguo is about to in- 7 BBl I 1 uuKiiidio an acttvo campaign among . HBB , I , ' tho vailous commercial organizations J B ! , ' and publicity departments of the dlf- j BBJ 1 fcrcnt cities throughout tho state. Mr. 7 1 ' U j Fred C. arnham, of Salt Lafto City '-' I j lnia been engaged to act as assistant A BBk secretary, and It will bo tho duty of BBl ' j Mr. Graham to visit every commercial 7 i I club in Utah, during the next few iJ 1 It Is hoped that by so doing a more A ' j active Interest may bo created In the 7I 1 . work of tho Leagtto. In towns where nj i , no commercial club exists at present, 1 I I Mr. Graham will endeavor to organize tho 911 mo. 1 t Utah needs moro of this sort of 1 j Rtlmulaa and tho move appears to bo "X J. most tlmo'ly. 1 Tho letter announcing tho now nr- 7 2 rangeuicnt of tho Icaguo together with V J- the ''Her being sent out to tho varl i ous 'ommunltlcs follows: J I Sil' Lake City, Juno 27. In lino 7 with the campaign for statc-wldo do 1 r vclnpmcnt of resources, tho Hoard of BBM Governors nf tno Utah Development J BBS , , ! League have outlined a pi in whereby 7 HBj It Is hoped n. at cffcctlvo or J.lliUattoiis v i will bo formed In every town and city ) BBa 1 1 of Utah, whero commercial organlza- y4 BBV i tlons aro not already formed, and j BBV ,( which will also result In enabling pros- ' BBB l cnt organizations to do more effective j fl ji ' work. With this end In view, Mr. BBV , Fred C Graham hns been appointed BBV Arslstant Secretary of tho Utah De- f BBb 1 velopnu nt League, and III devote his y BBB . j ontlro tlmo to this work of organlzn- H ( i j BBB - Mr. Graham plans to visit every city ) BBJ ' i ' nnJ '" " '" ',lu stntc ,i,rln "'" n,xi BBV j v few monthH, Tho rlilct object of these BBB visits M1 he to organize commercial BBV' : , clubs In towns wlmre the work of such .y BBB f i an organization Is not be'ug carried BBB I I on actively. Towns which have com- J If f morclal clubs will nlso bo visited with f ' a view to rnnfer with prominent tutsl- j BBB ness men along lines which will re- BBB ' suit In Increasing the elllcleury uf BBB those organizations. BBB l m BBB 1 To Tlie OMIeers mil Members of the BBV i Commercial Club: BBB ; Vour olllccrx and such ineuibers ns BBB liavo ke t In touch with this work of BBB j tho Utnh Uovclopment League, un- BBB l. doubtcdly realize tho value of system- K atlc co-operation In advancing the in- BBB terests of the Stnto of Utah. It Is al- BBB ' so true Hint many of tho citizens of !l our city and possibly some of tho , f. membeiH of your organization, nro not thoroughly posted on tho work of our i HH f state organization nnd do not realize BBBj j tho Importance of this work. . BBB T- Tho successful observanco of Utnh BBBj ' f Doveloiment Day was In many In- BBBj I stances tho best practical example of BBBj , J tho work of the Utah Development BBBj t League, that has been given through- BBBj I out tho state. Tho success of this day - BBB k f and Its general observances has tlom- BBBj j j onstrated the need of a thorough cam- BBBJ j palgn or the state for tho purpose of BBBJ I I arau'liK: enthuslnsm and support to BBBj I this uUite-uldo movemout. H j 1 With this end la view, Fred C. Gra- BBBJ ham, - 1 1 1 1 has been engaged in pub- H I llcity work in Salt Lake City, has BBBJ - been nppGluted assistant secretary of BBBj i, tho Utah Duvclopment League. It U BBBJ I our plan to have Mr. Graham visit cv- BBBJ j- cry commeiclal organization In the , BBBJ stale during the next 'ew months. BBBJ ! To assist in ai rough; this, wo will BBBJ j 1, bo glad to have ou advise us tho BBBK, best time for him to visit your city , BBBjf- I T We would suggest that on the occn- BBBjT.v ! slon of his visit, you arrange for a BBBJ ' f general boost meeting, appoint your BBBJ I bcRt speakers, anil have a musical pro- , BBBJ gram. When possible, wo will arrange BBBJ J for speakers from other towns to ns- BBBJ ! slst In making your meeting a coin- BBBJ pleto BBBJ The purpose of these meetings will BBBJ M he to nrouso a local Interest In dovol- H 9 i opmcut work, which should be, wo lie- H 1 ltove, tho most effective wny of holp- H i ' lngr your organization to help ttsolt H 1 l Very truly your3, BBBfl ) it I FHANIC M. DltlGGS, President m lit ,, |