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Show Cheapest accident Insurance Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. Stops the pain and heals the wound. All druggists sell It ' NOTICE FOR BIDS The Board ot County Commission ers of Cache County hereby advertise adver-tise for and request tho submission of bids for nil county printing, wu.cl Includes printing of Delinquent list, Auditor's Annual Report, and all general gen-eral and special advertising as required re-quired by law. Bids must be submitted In writing and filed with the County Auditor on or before the 1st day ot July, A.D., is::. By oidVr of tho Board of County Commlsloners. JAMES MEIKLE, Chairman. Attest: R. W. JAMES, Clerk. SEAL. LEGALNOflCES PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE. Consult County Clerk or the Re spec-tlve spec-tlve Signers for further Information. In the District Court Probate Division, Divi-sion, In and for Cache County, State of Utah. In the District Court ot the First Judicial Ju-dicial District ot the State of Utah, in and for the County ot Cache. IN THE DI8TR1CT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DI8TRICT OF THE 8TATE OF UTAH, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF CACHE. In the Matter of tho Estate ot Emma Em-ma Elizabeth Burrls McNIel. deceased. The petition ot Richard McNIel, administrator, ad-ministrator, for summary distribution of the estate of Emma Elizabeth Burrls Bur-rls McNIel, deceased, has been set for hearing In tho above named court on the 22nd day ot June. 1912, at 10 o'clock a. m. J-18 Richard McNIel, Administrator. Fred W. Crockett, Attorney. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Sablna Hoefler, Deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to tlw undcrslgnej at Ids tesldenco In Logan In the t ounty of Cacho and State of Utih, on or be lure the 2'rd la5' ot Keptcubcr. A O., 1912. Date of first publication May 21st, A D., 1912. JOSEPH MO Jill, Adnlnletrator NUBKICEH THATCHEH ,V BOWEr Attorneys NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of Georue Anderson, Deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at thi residence of William Anderson. Richmond, Utah, on or before tho IStl. day of September, 1912. Date of first publication May t'.'l' 1912. WILLIAM ANDERSON, ALVLN ANDERSUN, C. Z. HARRIS, Executors. LAW & HARRIS, Attorneys. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Alfred Hansen, Deceated, Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at their residence at Logan, Cache County, Utah, on or before the 16th day of September, 1912. Date of first publication. May 11th, 1912. IDA HANSEN and G. W. LINDQUIST Administrators. G. H. IVERSON, FRED W. CROCKETT, Attorneys. SUMMONS. In the District Court of the First Judicial Ju-dicial District of the State of Utah, in and for the County of Cache. Anna Bergengren FJelsttd, plaintiff vb. Anton Bergengren, defendant summons: sum-mons: The State of Utah to the said de fendant: You aro hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after the service of this summons upon you, If served within tho county In which this action Is brought, otherwise within with-in thirty days after service, and defend de-fend .the above entitled action; and In case of your failure so to do, Judgment Judg-ment will bo rendered against you according ac-cording to tho demand of the complaint com-plaint which has boen filed with the clerk of said court. This action Is brought to recover a judgment to partition or sell Lot 1, Block 4f,riat "A," of Logan City 8urvey. Cache County, Utah. J. Z. STEWART, JR., Atty for Plaintiff. Logan, Utah. July 18 III A !KXj!lL ma"y USCS Ur PrePnred 'j HI fl it llPfejiA Enamels nnd Paints can H Ojisip5n keeper. You can touch up ,H i "wk mnn.v things about the H jSf JHB House"ld and makethem H HpP look like new. All we ask H r t$PxiI that y0U Ca" on us ,,ntl -1 I I ilTlr vLdZL we do tne rest :H Riter Bros. Drug Go. M v J iHj i9 J Stamp Of Approval 1 fl I i5r C Western Union Telegraph Company Officially Adopts And 4 H I IV l"""'.- Installs Ten Thousand I M j ym j A Underwood Typewriters ! I I yj I I This decision to equip its thousands of offices I M f ff I I 1 K. throughout the country with Underwoods was I M f I A "fM VI "" reached after an eight months' thorough and im- T H I ES j IF Ht partial investigation of the merits of all machines. I H I fV Pre-eminent I I I h I EllSv Predominant j I ( y K Preferred j I I I "The Machine You WW-Eventually Buy" 1 H Underwoop Typewriter Co., Inc. Salt Lake City Office j H I Branches in All Principal Cities 16 Exchange Place Jt 'H Wheat Lands I Ten Thousand Acres I j On Salt Lake And Idaho I Railroads I j In Box Elder County. Near The Town of Strevell. I I i i I Wood And Water Handy. I WO, 320 Or 6U0 2K2RE TRKGTS j Can be purchased at prices and upon terms that ' will please you. If you are interested get in touch IB with us and arrange to see the land. The adjoin- IB ing crops will tell the tale. 1 'I H Write I Utah Idaho Land & Water Co. I Logan, Utah - . 'Afl |