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Show BALTIMORE PRIMPS FOR CONVENTION Decorations Convert The 8treets Into Vistas Of Gorgeous Color. Baltimore, June 21. Baltimore lias blossomed forth ns a real convention city. Everything wsb In readiness at v the armory for the great convention, jthe principal business blocks were m hidden for the first time behind car- I loads of Ilag9 and bunting, and thou- I gands of strange feet crowded the I main thoroughfares and hotels. The I Advanco guard of tho Democratic H gathering was Inst succeeded b nn I enthusiastic mass of delegates nnd I visitors. Tho meeting of the arrangement I committee of tho convention nnd the I opening here of headquarters by each H of the avowed candidates for tho pros-I pros-I Mentlal nomination started the con- vcntlon season with n boom. H M'ndrcds of decorators converted E the streets Into long avenues of col-B col-B or. Mingled with the rend, white nnd Hue of tho nation wero tho orange I aad I'nck of tho state. Many wero B tiio shocks anti-Wilson men recelvM B as thej first beheld the prominence fl glieii to tho Btate colors, and not nn-B nn-B til pome obliging Inhabitant of tho fl city explained that orange nnd blnck B represented Maryland ns well as B rtlnceton were their fears put to rest, fl -Some could hardly believe their eyes I as they boheld the convention plat-fl plat-fl farm swathed In ornngo and black, I which they mistook for a tribute of fl Princeton followers to Woodrow Wll-fl Wll-fl son. Dedicate Great White Way. fl Electrical Illumination will be a fen- fl ture of the convention display. Tho "great white way" will be formnlly I dedicated by a parade tonight. Pes- fl toons of evergreens nnd flower boxes -will be other features of the convon- fl tlon dress of the city, fl Pictures of Washington, Jefferson I and Jackson dominate tho convention I hall, The keenest contest uroso I among tho rival camps at the Emer- I son hotel over the best display there. I Wilson men scored first by hanging a tremendous portrait of the Prince-I Prince-I ton man just above tho lobby. Tho Harmon admirers procured an oil fl. painting of their leader to flank the C "gure ot tno New Jer8ey man, while Jr the Clark managers nad lithographs of their candidate stuck In a solid fresco around the balcony overlooking the lobby. Not coutcnt with two hendquarteis la tho Emerson hotol, the Harmon managers today took possession of the Basil Gordon mansion, not far from convention hall. This will be converted Into n homo for tho Harmon Har-mon leaders during tho convention. Huge Harmon banners were Immediately Immedi-ately hung In Its vicinity. Announcement was made by a local telephone company that arrangements had been made to establish tolephone communication with a private car In which Representative Oscar W. Underwood Un-derwood will stop whllo In Baltimore, while the delegates are passing upon his candidacy for the presidential chairman. Many Platform Suggestions. Men with all sorts of planks for the platform have come to Baltimore early lest they miss some opportunity to press their Ideals. Manuel Queson, present commissioner for the Phillip-Pines Phillip-Pines nt Washington Is hore to confer con-fer with Chairman Mack and other Democrats In regard to tho Phillip-Pino Phillip-Pino Independence plank. The com-mlaloner com-mlaloner wants tho so-called Jones bill Indorsed by tho Democrats. Henry Hen-ry N Dooley, who feels sure ho will be a member of the convention because be-cause ho Is on both delegations from Porto Illco, hnB bogun n campaign for a Porto Itlcnn homo rulo plank. Contesting delegations aro fnst malting malt-ing known their grievances. Tho rapid rap-id filing of contests last night led to the formulation of a plan to have tho natlonnl committee appoint subcom- mlttees Monday, when It convenes to I listen to tho respective contending I forces. |