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Show PRESIDENT SANBORN. We have sometime) been reproached with a too narrow state pride and some have found that we did not always al-ways extend too cordial a welcome to the outsiders who come to settle among us, but the various attentions accorded this week to President Sanborn San-born would certainly Indicate the ie-verse. ie-verse. A II have shown thcmselvesgrate-fill thcmselvesgrate-fill for his living here and put a high value on the work In did for the state All have ben ragcr to express their appreciation of him both as a man and as a worker, for all, from his former students down to the present administration, fed how much inspiration inspira-tion they have received from his example. ex-ample. Thanks to him Industrial education ed-ucation was established In the state on the broad lines which It still keeps today. He Insisted that the education educa-tion of thp hand should gosidi hi side with I ha of 1 lie liraln: tlMt the blacksmith, black-smith, ih farmer, tho clerk and the housewife should b. students as well as artisans; should be able to lead as well as follow. We owe It to him that we have not only the manual training courses which supply sklljed labor, but also tho college courses which furnish the thinkers and leaders In the scientific world which Is the prop of every occupntlon. Ono college man who can discover a remedy for the white fly Is worth hundreds of trained agriculturists who can grow beets successfully under normal conditions. Hoth classes of men are indispensable aid neither can exist without the o'hor. This Is the great lesson that President Sanborn first emphasized fo us and we do well to honor such a man who, boides, possesses so many eminent qualities as a friend and citizen. |