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Show HP t UtMi- t-W .' . H. i - sw-. r "- - Bt ' H """ ' ' !7 7' ","""" BMiiiii - H'v ,TMrf story of the outlaw. H'r . B Sad' Mir. of Hi's West Classified and H. . Analysed. B rCmcrrn llo.iqh constitutes himself B' Hit lilatr '" tf tl.c outlaw, believing Hj tlietrutli nliout "tho bad man" of the H rest la sufficiently thrill)"!'; nnd mean- H fns to present moroly tiuth. There H'. vera outlaws of all nationalities, no- H cording to Mr. Hough, but tho tirlzo- H '.altor umonK them wns tho western H'.' white bad man, who In a land which H? the law could not protect, like ' the H nxat region on tho frontier, reverted H o tlio ways of Ooth and Teuton for H fcc:i.T.' There were gonulno bad men H and Imitation bad men, nnd Mr. H ITcnnu thus differentiates them: B "Throughout tho west thoro itro two , sorts or wolves tho royota and the . pray, wolf. Either will kllUand both nre lovers of blood. One Is yellow at' heart and tho othoi h gamo all tk" way through. Outwardly both up Bfl wolves, ri'il In npiiPHra'nco thejr so..io- , l-if (pilo toward each other ro H iM'ly ) Is hard to dotormlno tho qvties Tho grny wolf Is a warrior H e-V! I a rccpcctcd, tho coyoto is a H i'u '.'.' nnd a murderer, and his n.irw fa a, tcriu of reproach throughoiit tho Baaaai |