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Show Canned Paintings. Painting under glass may now bo preserved Indefinitely. Had tho men of old known this the pictures of Apelles might htlll live In tho first freshness of their colors, nnd tho work of Raphael and Michael Angclo would look to-day ns It looked when It left tho painter's hnn'ls. Tho method of preservation is simple sim-ple Tho ennvns Is placed In a vacuum. va-cuum. It Is preserved, like fruit. It Is scaled up from alt the destructive influences of tho ntmosphcre. Since metnl figures In the operation the ennvns enn-vns might Indeed ho said to bo canned. can-ned. Thero Is no reason why paintings, kept In tills mnnncr In a vacuum, should not endure Indefinitely. |