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Show a--"""""""""""" a a aaanaa Short Items News From Here and Elsewhere. Wm. F. Smith and father were In town from Richmond Saturday. Everything is cleared for the erection erec-tion of the Andrews building on Main street. Wanted Team to haul lime rock at the Logan Brick & Lime Kiln Co. President Charles II. Hart attended services at Clarkston and Newton last Sunday. L. A. Ostlen. of the A. C. of U , lert last week for a ten dajs trip to St-Paul, St-Paul, Minnesota. W. II. Do Witt, proptletor of the Palace restaurant, is down with sym-toms sym-toms of typhoid-pneumonia. Mrs. David Grant was brought to Logan from Hyde Park Saturday. Sunday morning the lady was operated oper-ated on for appendicitis. Bishop Oscar Dunn, of College, Is not progressing as rapidly as he might I com recent operations he underwent for a diseased bone In the leg. For Rent A modern the room btlck house by July first, located corner of East Center and Third East. Inquire of II. P. Nielsen, mason, t Bishop Martin Rlgby and Alf Smurthwaltc ats shipping wheat from Merrill's spur. The price paid Is sixty-four cents sacked f. o. b. A. J. Turner, of Logan, started for Windsor, Montana, Sunday on a visit to old-time friends. From there 1 c Intends visiting the Yellowstone Park, and will enjoy a vacation of about three months. F. W Sudbury of Salt Lake cltj, representing R. L. Polk & Co., publishers pub-lishers of the Logan city and Cacho county directory, Is In Logan making a preliminary canvass renew Ing special advertising contracts and subscriptions subscrip-tions for the 1107 issue. Mr. Stephens, of the llrm of Stcph-cns& Stcph-cns& Mtirakamy, was in Logan Monday. Mon-day. The llrm is handling nine hundred hun-dred acres of beets, and has eight camps with forty-eight Japsemploycd. The gentleman thinks thero will be a heavy yield In beets tills year. Mrs. M. M. Fisher, and Misses S. E. DcGrall, A. L. Raymond, and Martha Flshcr.and Charles Fleming left Tuesday Tues-day morning for Berkeley, California, to remain during the summer. Mrs. Fisher will go to Riverside, also. Young Fleming goes particular to seo his twin brothers, the Stover boys. Mrs. Lltha Ralney, who was divorced from Fred Karrcn and by the District court was awarded twenty acres of land In Lewlston, has recently sold the land to William Bybee, and bought the II. G. Hay ball residence property In the Second ward for $2500 The lady will movo to Logan October tlrst. Benjamin Roper and his wlfo Hannah, Han-nah, formerly of Hyde Park, recently came from Gunnison, Sanpete county, to Preston, there to reside in the future fu-ture with their son, Joseph Roper. The lady died there last Sunday of dropsy of the heart. Sho was about soventy years of age and was a sister to the late Simpson M. Molen, The funeral was held at Preston yesterday at 2 p. in. J. M. Blair Is at homo from Boise and the whole northern Idaho country. coun-try. Mr. Blair says that things are shaping themselves for the re-election of Senator Dubois, that astute politician politi-cian having been able to divide the republican party even moro hopelessly hopeless-ly than the democratic party Is divided at this time. Mr Blair Is also authority for the statement that! Idaho Is booming, thousands of col-' onlsts settling In farming districts Just now. At Nampa both tlio government govern-ment and railroads aro spending lots of money, and that section, particularly, particular-ly, Is progressing. The only thing hurting Idaho at present Is said to be tho altitude of tho real estate Inen, who arc now holding real estate at tho top notch price. Quite an Interesting little tlsh story . In which a live jear old boy Is concerned con-cerned conies from the Methodist minister. As he tells it Geo. Jacques ' and little son, Marvin, a tive-ycar-old, went llshlng down below tho city last Satutday. The boy teased long and hard and his father linally rigged him up a real lish-pole, line, hooks with worms on 'em and put tho lad at a safe place on tho bank, Tho boy had scarcely dropped his hook Into tho water before what seemed to him a whale had run oil with his lino and ho yelled ",iapa" to beat tho band. The tlsh was of really of fair size and tho little fellow was having a hard time to keep his polo. When landed, tho tish measured sixteen Inches In length. , Tho total catch that day was live tlsh three of which the ti ve- ear-old i hooked. Inats not so bad Is It? ) |