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Show Smithfield Will Have Another Citizens of Town Whooping Things Up Considerably. People and Events. SMITH IT KLD.June.lO -Tho glorious glori-ous Fourth will be celebrated here In rot'al fashion, The business men have contributed generously, the committees commit-tees are being formed and preparations prepara-tions on a large scale arc being made to make this day a notable one The full urogram will be announced later, hut sutllclent Is known at present to warrant, the prognostication that our citizens will enjoy themselves. From uurlse to dawn every minute will bo full of pleasure and entertainment for old and young, and there will bono need to look elsewhere for fun. Let evervono help to celebrate The Fourth Is a day of patriotic enthusl-asm enthusl-asm and should be celebrated royally. It stands for a great deal in ohr country's coun-try's history and every able bodied citizen should contribute to the day's doings The committees are hard at work making as complete arrangements arrange-ments as possible to give, us a full day of pleasure and entertainment. Miss May Bingham Is resigning her position In the It M. II. Tel. exchange lipre. Miss Itingham has been uniformly uni-formly satisfactory and has given good service. She has been patient and anxious to please, and we are sorry to lose her. Miss Amy Coleman will fill the vacancy and we bespeak for her the consideration of all subscribers. I'rof. and Mrs. Miller.of Logan, were here last Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. Miller lectured to the ladles on Wednesday. On Thursday tho Professor Pro-fessor gave a short talk on "Health," and Mrs. Miller a lecture on the kitchen, kitch-en, to onlv i small audience. Thomas Cragun has placed scieen doors Ip the bank building that aro a credit to him and to the bank. He Is making a sample lot of doors In Logan. Tom is doing good work and deserves patronage of those who need screens. .lames Ctagun left Saturday to till hK mission to Knglaun. Friday evening even-ing the band scrcnaded'hlm and gave him a grand scndotT. Miss Mary Podzuwelt was '.In Logan Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Grant, of II de Park, who was operated on for apoeudlcltis. For Sale Hay mare, pacer, good rtrUei, tine saddle horse; also line Ilillard colt. Apply Dr. It. J. Smith. Mm Robert Thornley, Mis. Tim-mlns Tim-mlns and Miss Brighton went to Lagoon La-goon last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Wood ru If, of Itichmond, spent Sunday with Illshop Woodruff. A brain Smith is up north on a business busi-ness trip and is expected homo the last of the week. Miss Pearl Cragun, of Ogdcn, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George Douglass. Dan Weeks and wife, of Fielding, are visiting Mm Weeks of this city. -Mr. and Mrs. Mclssner, of Loiran, weie visitors in town'Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Klrkbride aic visiting Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Heverldgc. Mr. Harr, of Itlter Bros., Logan, was in town Sunday. The foundation for Willis Smith's new residence Is laid, Joo Watts was In Richmond Saturday Satur-day selling' horses. Miss Groesbeck, of Logan, Is visiting Gladys Farrell. Miss Vendla Farrell Is visiting Miss Selma Hansen. There is a case of scarlet fever at Win. Noble's. , .ZZ?. |