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Show i STRANGE ADVICE! H ' " Dr. C. O. Orrtn clvfj ntert ptrnoiial attention M f I to hla great numaultarfan contract H In our Almunnc for many years past we H have given unusual advice to those ndlic- H ted with coiigln, coldn, throat or lime H I troubles or consumption. W'c have told H I i them if they did not recehe any special H ,- lie nc fit nfler the use of one 75-cent sl?e H 1 bottle of Ccnuati Syrup, to consult their H I doctor. We did not ask them or urge H ' them to use n large number of bottles, 11s H I is the cane in the advertising of many H 1 " other remedies. Our confidence in Gcr- H I J man Syrup mnVcs it possible for ui to H I I j give such advice. We know by the ex- H ! 1 1 twrienceof ocr 35 vc.irs that one rvcent H I liottlcof German S) nip will spicdily re- H . licc or cure tliu worst couglis, colds, H bronchial or lung troubles and that, M even in bad cases of consumption, one H J large bottle of German Syrup will work H J wonders. New trial bottles, 35c; rcg- H , ular size, 75c. At all druggists. H 1 I I City Drug Store, Logan, 'Hah I Yes; We Have a Telephone. B What's more wo pay attention to It, H and orders for any quantity or sire of M coal lire tilled promptly with top grade, H J easily-burning coal, (ilad to lmc 3011 H call, of course, bill the 'phone will H bring quick response. M. & L. COAL & WOOD CO H' Both 'Phones - No. 74 H I 1lBllilli I House Cleaning M time is here and now is the M ' time to discard that old bed ' spring, that sways in tlie cen- M ter and get a new one. M Call and see our line rang- H j ing from $2 to $7. I j WM. EDWARDS 1 ' Furniture Dealer H Main Street. j ( H ij That Tired Feeling M If you ate languid, depressed, In- M capable for work, ll Indicates that M ; jour liver Is out of order Hurhlne fl h i will assist nature to thiow of head- m ; j aches, rheumatism ami ailments akin fl ?' 1 toneivousness and teiioie the ener- M , gles and vitality of lottnd and perfect - j health. J. J Hubbard, Temple, Tex-M; Tex-M; I as, writes, "1 have used Herblne for B ' the past two j ears. It has done me M 3 moro good than all the. doctors. It Is m the best medicine ever made for chills H and fever." GOc. Sold by Rlter Jiros ;- Drug Co. Hi OUR FACTORY AND J STOCK WERE SAVED. I Golden Gate COFFEE, TEA, SPICES, EXTRACTS, I BAKING POWDER. j Tiny Grocer Gan Supply You. f J. a. FoIJcr & Go., Gor. Howard & Spear Bank of Smithfield. SMITHFIELD, UTAH. J Paid Up Capital $20,000.00. . General Banking business, In all Its branches. , j We pay 4 per cent Interest on time and savings deposits. Interest compounded quarterly. : Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. Safety deposit boxes for rent. j Prompt, progressive and up-to-date. 1 Wc solicit jour business. Correspondence Invited. t E. R. Miles Jr., George Y. Smith, h J President. Cashier. i - t HOTEL EAGLE j FMaln St., Logan, Utah. ! aaaaaaaaBaaaagaaaBaaaaaiaiaaiaaaiaBaaiaMaBaBiaaaaBaBBaaiaaaaaaaiaaBB The FIRST NATIONAL BANK I ! OF LOGAN, UTAH. i CAPITAL AND PROFITS $65,000. Commercial Banking In all Its branches. Solicits accounts of 'f Banks, fllrms and Individuals and extends to customers every reason-able reason-able courtesy and consideration. OurSAVINGS DEPARTMENT a specialty. We pay 4 per cent ! Interest compounded quarterly. Amounts of One Dollar and up 1 received on deposit. Come In and get one of our little savlfigs banks. OFPieBRS: W. S. McCornlck, Presldontj James Quayle, V. President, John II. Anderson, 2nd Vice President; Allan M. Fleming, Cashier II) run: E. Crockett, Assistant Cashier. I Cement Brick & Cement Bldg. Blocks I JOSEPH E. WILSON JR. GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTOR. All kinds of Cement work In large or small jobs done anywhere and everywhere on short notice. Cement sills, sidewalks, water tables, sewer pipe, foundations, etc. Bell 'Phone 216 Z; Office and Yards 128 S. First East. tERffl0DBANf -w RIOGRANDE WE5TJg Jgf The Scenic Line ToGlenwood Springs, Aspen, Leadvllle, Pueblo, Colorado Springs Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, and all points East. Connecting at Ogdcn Union Depot with all SouthernPa- Iclflcuil Orer)T 3 iot Lias trilnt. H Tha only Transcontinon Line passing directly through Salt Lake City Splendidly Equipped Trains between "J OGDEN AND DENVER " Via Three Separate and Distinct Scenic Routes. THROUGH PULLMAN and ORDINARY SLEEPING CAR To Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago withou change. Free Reclining Chair Cars. Personally Conduited Ex curslons DINING OARS, Service a la Carto on all through trains For rates, folders, free Illustrated booklets, et., Inquire of your nearest ticket agent, specifying tho Rio Grande A ...route, or address. . "7 I. C. BENTON, GPAD, Salt Lake City i J |