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Show m jf trzz ; m H MW . ; Wc liavo tliu Only I V Cold. Tire Setter B In Logan antl it will 1' l Set your tire while you wait H And wo guarantee that the tires set H : on this machine will stay tight longer H than they will set the old way. H Remember, wo do all kinds of repair H work and wo assure you our charges H . arc reasonable. H Hy cxpcrlcnco we have found the H Sweet Rubber Tiro the host and H cheapest. M Emil 13. Nielsen m LOO AN, u I All II LOGAN JUNK SHOP H Bring nil scinp Iron, metal, bottles, H rngs and lubbers, or call us up and wo H will conic lnil phone .'i:i7. Hell phono M 146 South Main St. M IF YOU WANT I Good, and Safe Electric Wiring H In our homes SEE ME! H P. E. PLOWMAN H Klcctrlu.il Contractor. 7 Cotnmer- M clal ltlock. Hell 1'lionu :tG.. H I nil. phono .ItSa H Logan Lumber Yard. H E. L. Johnson, Proprietor. H All kinds or building material on H hand. Shop woik done on short notice. H All kinds or pinning done. B 157 West r.lh South, Hell Thane 141. I , E. J. MERRILL B Osteopath. H RoomsOver llochdnlo Store Of M ' lice hours 1) lu 12 a.m. and 1 ton pm. I Chicago Meat Market H Is the place to go for all B kinds of Family .Meats. H Highest c.uh price paid M for all kinds or hides. I HOPKINS and ROBERTS H COAL ' Plenty of U. I. and Rock Spring ; coal on hand ." for 2,000 lbs do-H do-H llvcred, or $4.60 at tho scales. Very H special i. He on car loads Wo furnish H any coal desired. 1st S and Oth W. H.. Cash on delhery. H jt i i . i ... I' IS RE-OPENED. H Farmers Feed Stable at (I aril's Mill X South Main Street, teams feed nt reasonable price, also good horses t bought and sold here. B N. A. Williamson, Mgr. V': The Only Double-Track Railway between HV . the Missouri River and Chicago. I The 1 1 Overland I Limited I The Most Luxurious Train la the World It, Compartment and drawing-room I! sleeping cars, observation cars, dln I Ins cars, buffet-smoking and library I cars, with, barber, bath and Book- I ' ' lovers Library, entire train electric I lighted, through to Chicago without j i change. Direct connection for t j St. Paul and Minneapolis I Tickets, reservations, anj full In "" I formation can b obtalneJ from C. A Walker, General Asent. Chicago & North-western Ry. r 206 South Main Street, I NW4 Salt Lake City, UUtl. mtk LEGAL NOTICES PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE. Consult County Clerk or the Respective Signers Sign-ers for further Information. I the District Court, Probate Division la aid (or Cache County, State of Utah. NOTICE TO OitEMTOItH. INtaloof Matrnuit Laracn Deceaneil. UrixJlloni will pnni'nt claims with vinicliers to the underalirnnrl at tils rcilclonco In Men-ilon Men-ilon Utah. In tho Comity ot Caobo and state ( Utah, on or before the llth day of October A. II. 111X1. I'rcdi-rlck Larson. Administrator, J. O. Walters, attornov. Iiato of llrm publication Juno I.ltli A. I). IMI, lam. filly 14th. Sheriff's Sale. In the District Court, of the First, Judicial DMrlct, In niid for Hie county coun-ty or Cache and State or Utah. David Andtews, plnlntllf, vs. (Jec. Dunbir, Thomas Smart, Wesley Jacques and others whose name arc unknown, doluir business under the name of Cache Valley Fair & Driving Association, defendants To ba sold at sheriffs sale on the 2-jtli day of June, 11)00, at 12:00 o'clock noon of said day, at the front door of the court house In Logan city, Utah. All the right, title and Interest of the Cache Valley Fair & Driving Association As-sociation In and to, beginning at the southeast corner of the city park, which is (id feet south of MiesouMi east corner of lllock one (1) I'lat "F" Logan city survey, Cache county, Utah, thenco south 1181 II feet; thence west Mil feet; thenco In a noithwest- crly direction to a point 1)4(1 feet west and --i;i feet south 41) degrees and 7 minutes west of the place of beginning; begin-ning; tlicuco north ID degrees and 7 minutes east 221 feet; thence cast 1)111 feet to the place beginning, contain-nlng, contain-nlng, 21..ril acres, together with the Improvements thereon. Dated June 5th, IDOil T. II. Smith, Sherllf of Cache Co., Utah. Notice of Intention to Tax. Notice Is hereby given by the City Councilor Logan City, Utah, of the intention of such Council to make the following described Improvement 'to wit: To pave the sidewalk beginning between be-tween the Intersections of First South Street and South Main Street to Fourth South Street a distance of three blocks, and defray the whole of the ccst thereof, estimates at $1 25 per linear or front fool, by a local assess-Incut assess-Incut upon 'the lots or pieces of ground within tho following described district to be affected and bcnclitted by said improvement, namely beginning be-wecn be-wecn the Intersections of First South Street and South Main Street; thene extending along the east side of the said South Maln.'Street to Fourth South Street a distance of three blocks, All protests and objections to the carrying out of such intentions must be presented In wilting to tho city iccorderonor about, tho (1th day of June, 11)0(1, being the t line set by s?ld council when It will hear and consider such objections as may be made there-to. there-to. Ily order of the city council of Logan City. EsTKLLA KoilKKT, May, 18th, 1000. City Uecortler. Notice of Intention to Tax. Notlca is hereby given by tho city council of Logan City, Utah of tho Intention In-tention of such council to make the following described Improvement to wit: Extend the Water Mains, and defray de-fray tho costs thereof, estimated at $1.30 per linear foot by a local assessment assess-ment upon tho lots or pieces of ground w Ithln the followlngdescrlbed district, being the district to be airccted and benelltted by said Impiovcmcnt, nam-ly: nam-ly: Ucglniilng at tho north end of tho lioulevard and running thence south down llttlo Dug Way to Canjon Road; tlicnco west along Canyon Itoad to Its Intersection with Fifth East Street; thenco south ono block; thence west ono block; tlicnco south two blocks to first south Street; thenco from this point on first South Street, one block east and one block west; thenco from the Intersection of Third East Street and First South Street, ono block North and one block South. All protests and objections to the carrying out of such Intention must be presented in writing to tho city recorder on or before tho 5th day of July, 100(1, being the day set by tho said council when it will hear and consider con-sider such objections as may bo made thereto. Ily order of the city council of Logan City. Es.tki.la Eoiikut City Recorder, .'uneluth, 11KHI. Have You a Cough A dose of Uallard's Horchound Syrup will relievo It. Have you a cold? Try It for whooping cough, for usth-ma, usth-ma, for consumption, for bronchitis. Mrs. Joo McGrath, 327 E. 1st. Street Hutchinson, Kans. writes; "I have used Uallard's Horehound Syrup In my family for flvt? years, and find It, the most palatable mcdlclno I over used. Sold by IUtcr Ilros Drug Co. Notice to Water Users. State Engineer's Ofllce, Salt Lake city, Utah, Juno 7, 11)00. Notice li hereby given that A. II. Allen, whoso post oillce address Is Richmond, Cache County, Utah, has made application In accordance with tho requirements of Chapter 109, Session Ses-sion Laws of Utah, 1000, to appropriate appropri-ate one-sixth (1-0) of a cubic foot per second or water from a spring lu Cache County, Utah Said spring Is situated at a point 1,021 feet south and 12 feet east from the north east corner or tho south cast quarter or Section 13, Township 14 north, Range 1 east, Salt Lake base and meridian. Said water will be diverted by means of a pipe line at tho point where It Issues from said spring, and conveyed for a distance dis-tance or 2,200 feet and there used from January 1st to December 31st, Inclusive, In-clusive, of each year, for domestic purposes. As a secondary purpose the water not so used will be conducted con-ducted onto about 40 acres of land embraced In Section 13, Township 14 nortti, Range 1 cast, and there used for Irrigation purposes. This application applica-tion Is designated in the State Engineers Engi-neers Olllcc as No. 822. All protests against the granting of said application, stating the icasons therefor, must be made by allldavit In duplicate timl filed in this oillce within with-in thirty (30) days alter the completion comple-tion or the publication or this notice. Calku Tannkii, Stale Engineer. Date of llrst publication June 13th, date or completion of publication July 13th. For Sale: Tho ptopcrty known as the "old woolen factory site" on the Canyon road, In Logan City, Utah, south of tho Agricultural College. That part Immediately west of the factory, comprising eight rods front on Canyon road and running north to Logan and Richmond canal, will bo sold separately fiom the remainder or the tract. The remainder or the tract, containing contain-ing about eight acies, will Include the factory, which has about 1000 perch or rock. Written bids will be received by the undersigned up to and Including June 30th, lHOO. Tho right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Title p.-if-ct. I JAMBS QtlAYLc. Notice. There- Is unpaid and delinquent on account of a tax voted and determined by the members and landholder of the Logan and Richmond Irrigation District, on the 4th day of December, 11)03: Also on account of a special tax levied by the trustees on the 13th of April, 11)0(1, the several amounts set opposite the names of the respective members and landholders us follows: Names Acrtu City Amt. I-oU Anthon Anderson I 1 200 CarlO. Anmssen 1 2 00 R. W. Oibbs J 1 00 James Henderson J 50 Jauiiclt II. Andeisou I fO John Jacobs 1 2 00 Cisper Hoffman (i G 00 J. W. Machln 1 1 00 Aqullla Nebeker 2 2 00 Oscar Petersen 1 2 00 Emll Wennergren 1 2 00 Neplil S. Andiews ' 1 50 DelossHydo ll 2 00 Christian X.lppert 5 5 00 Richard Andrews 5 5 00 J. ..Stewart ' J l 75 Ursula Jcnney 1 2 00 George L Farrell 27 27 00 John Pearson 1 1 00 August Pearson 3 50 Jacob Watson 5 5 00 Israel Watson 5 2 00 Ann In accordance with law and tho order of the Trustees of said company made on the Kith day of Juno 1000 the Interest of each of the foregoing members mem-bers and landholders in the canal and ditches of said Logan and Richmond Irrigation Distilct and In the right to the use of the water thoreln (lowing (low-ing or so much thcreor as may be necessary nec-essary will be sold at tho front door of the Countv Court house, Logan, Utah on Saturday July 7lhl000at3 o'clock p. m. of such day to pay tho said tax together with cost of advertising adver-tising and expense of Sale. Laus C. Pktkuskn" Secretary. Dated at Logan Juno 21st. 1000. Contractors Take Notice. Rids wauled on cement walks to bo layed around Provldcuco school house. For speculations see Lehl Olson. No bids received after July 2nd and till bids must bo accompanied by a ccrtl-lied ccrtl-lied check of ten per cent t Los Angeles Excursions j , W r- H H CAT T Speciul Low fi i Reduced Hates . RfcTjartC' 8 3 Tickets on Sale T A K E J?"8 ?i' T H g dally June 1st to 1V Hound Trip. On ffl K) September 15W. ."POT TTF Sflt' J,U!'C -?'' S Long limit. IVUU A E, to July 8th. 9 K Long Limit. pi STOP OVERS IN SALT LAKE CITY, nl ffi Southern California, Ocean Beaches, Deep Bj ru Sea Fishing, Orange Groves, Yacht S B ing Boating, Bathing. g I The Trip of a Life Time. J ffi r nl ju Any O. S. L. Agent can quote rates For Particulars, list of "1 n Itcsorti, Motels, etc, write to J. II. IWIITNER, District K J Passenger Agent, Salt Lake City, Utah. K Utah Mortgage Loan corporation. Tithing Office corner, Login, Utah has plenty of MONEY AT ALL TIMES for FARM AND CITY LOANS at lowest rates. No Commissions Commis-sions charged WHEN GOING EAST WHY NOT ENOY YOURSELF? You will if you travel oner the Illinois Central Cen-tral R. R. IT COSTS NO MORE. The best of service between Omaha, Chi cago, Minneapolis,' and St. Paul, as well as between Chicago, St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans and all Southern and Southeastern South-eastern points. 0 For full Information or literature call on or write J. A. Foley, Com. Agent, 75 W. 2nd S Salt Lake City. Albert A. Law Attorney-at-law. Ii oom 11 Court house. Logan, Utah SALT LAKE CITyJ . DIRECTORY Windsor Hotel Centrally located. South of Ken- jon Hotel, Main street. European plan. Rates reason- I able. State tiudo solicited. Rates 50 cents and up. fLlff RIG WORKS I man Oicade KEvnnsinLE rods M&do from old Carpets. No. S Foulli Temple. Pamphlet on application THROUGH SERVICi TO ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST VIA Missouri Pacific Railway THROUGH SCENIC COLORADO FERTILE KANSAS AND MISSOURI Pullman Sleeping Cars, Observation Dining Cars Elcctrlo Lights Electric Fans Reclining Chair Cais (seats free) Up-o-dato Day Coaches. , For Berths. Tickets, Foulders, etc., address H. C.TOWNSEND, Av Gen'l Passenger and Ticket A gt. l f ST. LOUIS Oregon Short Line R. R. CACHE VALLEYTIMECARD No. II. Dally. ' No. 15. Dally Mix!. I'ocatello Sil&p.i ,. 2:30 a in Salt Lake 4:10 " Ilsi5p.ii Oirden 5i! " , i.js OactieJct. 7:00 , Si.Wam Mendon TH8 " ri:uo " Loifan 7:35 " , 8: Smtthfleld 7i53 " A jM Richmond 8:M " 7 Franklin 8i23 " "". 9,15 AHII1VH Proton 8Kb " frslOa.ii, BOUTJI IIODND. LiAvre. No. 12 Dally. No, ID. Dally MUo Prouton 7il0a.,m OMOa.m Franklin 7:57 " io:oo Richmond 7it2 " 10-iO " 8mltbfleia 7:58 iii0 Loan -8:15" ,'.". .'.'."l2:Mp.rD Mendon 8 "3 " 1,10 Cache Jet. 8(50 " '.. . "" it3i AnniviH. Ogden I0iJ5 " jjoo Salt Lake 11X5 " ti0, Pocatello M1 - it,r l-orfurtherlnforrnallon apply to V W. W. WcKd3lde,Aenv " I |