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Show 1 Don't Paint Often I "HP- 4f ! S ' $ $ $ You won't need to If you use "QUEEN X HEB MIXED PAINT." It Is doubtful If tlicro Is another brand upon the market that 481 m equals It In durability. We sell this partial- 4 lar kind because we want to gleonr patrons jfo $, the greatest value for their money. Itlsun- 2i surpassed In every quality that constitutes a ' X high grade paint. Heal cheapness In paint p W lies not In the price alone. W i I t I Riter Bros. Dt tig Co $ Stock Straightening Sale of Fine China. J fc. We want to right our slock of line china this month close out the i SwplutocUnd odd pieces left over and hac mado prices so at-s' at-s' tractive that you'll take them oil our hands quickly. Fine chance to get Pretty China at 1-3 Less than Usual Prices, Come early, If )ou'd supply onr wants In thlsdhect saving Cardon Jewelry Company, LOGAN, UTA II Sale now on One Week Only. IT WILL PAY TO SEE THE t i I I PLANO-JONES 1 New Vertical Mower ' $ and Improved Hand and Self Dump 0 S Villi! I uJL i & The ONLY iiiowerand rake with a good record. The $most perfect hay harvesting machinery ever made. jul x7rir wMwi 1 1 if T fM( iiKif Tit ifljTTm f itTifj-n ilkn 7rmWti iJTTm i UP B5H5E5B5a5B5g5H5H5H5HH5H5S5HgBSH5Ha5H55H5B5E5HSH5H51 I We call the attention of our numerous pa- g 'trons to our very H fl Extensive Lines i ot Spring Goods H Several carloads of Furniture have arrlviMl this spring and wo arc S pJ better prepared than ever before to take care of your trade. Our lino gj K are so numerous that space will not permit mentioning them, but ask jjj ffi you to call If jou nre In need of Carpets. Wallpaper or anything, that H ffi goes to make the homo desirable. We carry a line of goods that will ft S suit the mansions as well as the humblest cottages, ffi hwndsttum f -.S Furniture and Carpet Co., Center St k K g 5BSHa5a5HSBSH5B5H5a5a5B5!H5H5HSH5H55H5a5Ha5a5asa5jril V NOW ON I The Greatest I Sale in our I History. I And those who know ' I us know we Mean it? 1 I Before Remodeling our store we are H going to offer great bargains on our En- H tire Stock of H CHILDREN'S, BOYS AND I MEN'S CLOTHING. I EVERYTHING Goes at the following I Discounts. LOT 1 H 20 per ct off I LOT NO. 2 I I 3313 off I LOT NO. 3 I I U2 off U2 I GREAT BARGAINS IN OUR j I Shoe, Hat and Furnishings I DEPARTMENTS. 1 I Our past sales assure you that we mean 1 H business. Come early. 1 H Goods Sold for CASH only during this H Sale. I H MORRELL I CLOTHING I COMPANY I Sale Commenced Saturday June 17th. I H mmmnmmmzmmmammmmmmMmmamwimaKmmmmmmaMammm. H |