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Show Big Band Comes on 29 The announcement that the famous Royal Hawaiian Rand from Honolulu Is to ne heard In concert at the Thatcher Thatch-er Opera House Friday, matinee and night, June 20, will be a source of delight de-light to lovers of music. The present tour of tho United States is the tlrst to be made by tlio band and Is under tho patronage of the Hawaiian Government Gov-ernment and the leading commercial bodies of Hawaii. Tho band numbers sixty skilled musicians and slnRitrs and Is under tho leadership or Captain II. Herger, who founded the band In 1871. There Is not a baud In the world that Is as versatflu as Is the Royal Hawaiian Hand. Its concerts are till-en till-en with delightful surprises Not onl vis tho band a completo "mi.itary band" in every sense of the word but it Is also a stringed orchestra, a choir, a glco club, mandolin, banjo and guitar gui-tar club, players of native Instruments and solo singers of charm and variety. To hear the Royal Hawaiian Rand first play the overture of Lohengrin and then hear them sing their soothing sooth-ing natlvo melodies, accompanied by the stringed orchestra or the guitars, mandolins and banjoes, Is a treat cf a ltfctmo. Tho band has teen superbly superb-ly equipped by Its manager, J, C. Cohen, a leading business man of Honolulu, Hon-olulu, and no expense has been spared to make Its tour a mcmorablu one. I |