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Show Headquarters fcr gioceriee at the U. O. i Organ for Bale. Inquire at thit office. JJMoney to'loan. Inquire at the .Nation office. Highest price pBid for chicken at otb ward store. Mr. Ray Irvine of Logan ie visiting tbe Paris exposition. Casb l'md for cbiekeri". osg'.i n' pigeons. Burnett Bro9 , near A. C. Wanted To sell a buggv and harness. Enquire at this office. 1 Get your carpets and wallpaper at Spaude's Furniture Store, 2d street. A few now suits for $2 50 former price S4 00; call at once on J . New-bold New-bold 3rd st. A boy about 13 to 18 years of age wanted at Smith Bros. Lumber Lum-ber Yard. LOCAL LAWMIA. Yesterday as an extremely qniet day in Log8n. Paper suitable for lighting fires may be had free at this office. Kid your fowls of mites and lice by using Tbanolice and Crio-Carbo. Crio-Carbo. For Sale by Kiter ' Bros. Drag Co. Mr. Geo. H. Champ left Sun-day Sun-day for a trip east to England aid France. We wish the gentleman a pleasant trip. For sale cheap, lot 9 by 18 rodt 1J blocks from A. C. Enquire En-quire at Smith Bros, lumber yard. Logan. Celebrations were . held yester day in Providence, Smithfield and various other towns of Cachi county. W. W. Nelson, a prominent merchant of Pocatello, and brother A. O. Jackson has been ap-. pointed postmaster at Avon. Cache county, in place of E. 11, Davis, dead. The Cacbe Knitt'Eg Works are prepared to buy fiom 40,000 to 50,000 pouu.is cf sood wool, for the Ogden Woolen Mills Co. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cates, Professor Pro-fessor Foster and family and Mr. E. P. Bacon are spending a few days among the hilis and dales of beautiful Logan canyon. Logan, Utah, July 2. The Logan Lo-gan Temple will close for vacation on Friday, Jalv 29, and reopen on Tuesday, Sept.', 4th, 1900. M. W. Xfrrill Praeidont of Mr. Ed Nelson of Logan, died (Saturday of bowel trouble. Miss Annie Eliason left for the east last Saturday to visit bpr brother, Mr. Andrew EliasoD, Jr., who is in the employ of a large electrical company in New York. K. C, Easton writes from New York that he had a very pleasaBt trip to Saratoga, where he eang at the New York Bankers' annual convention. Besides singing in a quartet he rendered two Scotch selections and was heartily applauded. ap-plauded. Smith Bros., lumber dealer, have for Sale cheap, One frame bouse 14x30, to be moved oS land. Miss Jane Certer, formerly of Logan and Miss ADnieM. Parker recently of LincolD, Encland, are in Logan visiting C. H. Baker and former aquaintences. Postmaster Murdock announces unclaimed letters for the following: follow-ing: L. C. Cone Esq . W. Ii. Green Esq. Mr. L. S. Pond. Miss Helen . Bheeee. For bicycle repairing, eun repairing, re-pairing, razor and scissor sharpening, sharpen-ing, key fitting, etc., call at Logan Novelty Shop, Third street. R. M. Rolfson, proprieter. j with four rooms and pantry and porch. Mast be sold to make ' more room for our increasing business. The speakers at the tabernacle last Sttnday afternoon were President Presi-dent Isaac Smith and High Conn-oilmen Conn-oilmen J. Z. Stewart and John E. Carlisle, all bf whom delivered instructive addresses on the superior sup-erior principles enjoyed by the Latter-day Saints. '- - Tbe County Commissioners call for bids until Aug. 4, 1900, on replacing re-placing the superstructure of the 140 ft. Bear Kiver Bridge, which failed recently. Information regarding re-garding same can be obtained from B. P. Fleming, Deputy County Surveyor. Mr. and Mrs. George S. Hay-ball Hay-ball of tbe Logan Seeord ward lavs lived in wedlock for fifty years end celebrated their golden . wedding on July 19. Both are hale, hearty and happv, and ve join with their many f ri -nds in wishing them many happy returns of their wedding day. A 17-year old son of George Merrill of Smithfield was accident ally drowned inBesr river last Saturday. Sat-urday. He was fishing and by some mischance fell in and was washed away before aid could reach him. He was subject to epileptic fits and was probably taken with one While upon the bank. Th funeral was held in TO THE DEAF. A riob lady I cured of her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Ear Drums, gave $10,000 to his Institute, so that deaf people peo-ple unable to procure the Ear Drums may have them free. Adress No. 12064, The Nicholson Institute 780, Eighth Avenue, New York. ' County Commissioner William G Smith and Deputy Surveyor Hetidershot havo returned from I the Cache valley divide, where they have been the paBt week in company with representatives of Cache county settling the much disputed question of the boundary bound-ary between Cache and Weber counties. The survey was completed com-pleted for fifteen milos, the entire distance, and the controversery was settled to the satisfaction of both counties. It is said that 2a per cent off on Ladies' waists and shoes at the U. O. Bed and white currants for sale at the Logan Natseries. For sale House and lot in Sixth ward. 4 rooms in bouse, lot Gx8 rods. 2 blocks eouth of B. Y. College. - Cheap tor cash. Inquire at this office. Wanted One young man from Cacbe county, Utah, to prepare for the coming .Railway Mail Service Examination. 7e furnish every, thing, including books and maps. Address, enclosing stamp: Inter-State Inter-State Correspondence Institute Cedar Rapids, la, ' The fine new tabfrn acle at Lewiston was dedicated last Sunday. Sun-day. The dedicatory prayer was offered by President George Q. Cannon, and the speakers during the two meetings Held were Presidents Presi-dents George Q. Cannon, Joseph F. Smith, Solomon Hale, M. W. Merrill; and B. G. Thatcher. The tabernacle cost f 10,000. and is one of the finest meeting houses in the state. It is a lasting monument monu-ment to the energy of the people of Lewiston. William H. Jones of Wellsville died at 2 a.m. last Sunday, after suffering intensely two weeks from bowel troubles. He was aged 30 and leaves a wife and four children. His parents were among the early settler of Cacbe valley and he was widely and favorably known. He was attended by Drs. Ormsby, Parkinson, Budge and Boynton, and after his death a post mortem examination was held, at which it was discovered there were two tumors in the large in testine, which was perforated in two places. Taa deceased has a brother and sister in the Snake river country, who came to Wellsville Wells-ville to attend the funeral, whici was held in Wellsville Monda afternoon. v eber county is the gainer by a considerable extent of territory by this the first official survey evtr made. Herald. Wing Lee, the almond eyed Celestial who runs a Third street restaurant, has the distinction of being the only member of his race resident in Logan. Wing takes an extremely philosophical view of the present situation in the Cbi-nene Cbi-nene empire. He says it is difficult diffi-cult to tell whether the foreigners are still safe, but he kuows the feeling runs high against them. Wing has lived in America thirty years, and does not remember there were any Boxer societies I before he left. He says they are probably similar to the High Binder Bin-der gang of San Francisco. Wing has written to his brother in China to inquire tbe particulars of the alleged massacre. The Logan Cs-lestial Cs-lestial is a perfect instance of the fact that Chinamen aequire the English language very Blowly, as in spite of his thirty years in America, he cau speak but very few English words. J. I. Carsou, Prothonotary, Washington, Washing-ton, Pa., sava: '-I have found Kodol Oyspepsia Cure an excellent remedy id ase of siomacb. trouble, and have de-!v.-d i; eat oeti B fro ii i; u.-." iidi e3is wna , you eat and .(.annuo fail to care. Co op Grocery and Drug Co |