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Show Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. Itartificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and reconstructing recon-structing the exhausted digestive organs or-gans It is the latest discovered digest-ant digest-ant and tonic. Ko other preparation can approach it in efficiency, it instantly in-stantly relieves and permcueHtlvcures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn. Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Kausea, 6ickHeadache,Gastralgia,Crnips,and allr 'herresultsof imperfectdigestioiv, , rt pared by E C DeWltt ft Co, Ctjicaso. Coop Grocery BDd D ug Co., agents. When Yankee Doodle firs came to town, j And folks overboard threw the tea, (' It wasn't the fragrant PriJc Of Japan T. Familiar to you and rnec vfyi Pride of Jp$ CTree) Jfe-)& TeaSjVfe Best package tea imported, Y IJj fVl j nd cosU no -fJ J A I mere than, L7 I Vyi poorer kinds, C The KEELEY CORE Over 300,000 men and .women today have been permanently cured of the. disease of inebriety tbrouch Dr. Keeiey'a treatment, whicr. is administered only at institutions authorized by him. The treatment at thes institutions is pieaea'jt; no restraint is impojed: it is Uk taking afour week's vacation; the patient only knows he is cured. ' r 1 inro Aicohoi, The Keiley Treatment cure3 this disease by restoring the nerves to a per fectly healthy state. It cures by removin? the cause. The result is that the patient pa-tient is efs in a normal and healthy condition, aad ho has neither craviug, desire, nor necessity for stimulants. Detailed information of this treatment and proofs of its success sent free upon application to The Keelev Institute of Utah, First North and West Temple street, or Lojk Box i0. Sett Lake City, Utah. The only authorized Institute in Utah. PROFESSIONAL j w. barrett, 'architect and builder. Plans and Specifications furnished, ontracts taken or work superintended. pffica one door north of the Nation Printing Office, Main St., Logan. C ache Valley Mercantile Co The best place in Cache to bay Sugar, Coffee, Tea and Everything Yon Want to Eat Fruit Jars, Jelly Glasses, China, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Lamp Fixtares. etc;, all at Bedrock Prices. AMMl'.YITIOXShol Guns, Shells, Smokeless Powder and? Black Pon der, 22 Rifles and Shells. Don't fail to see oar immense stock. Prices guaranteed lower than the lowest. Best Gcods. . New Goods arriving daily. 6. Q- GOMflNS DISEASE OF n ET, EAR, HOSE, AND THROAT GLASSES SCIENTIFICALLY FITTED. OmpbeU&Morrsll's, LogM, Ifrfc. J. Z. Stewart, Jr. ' Attorney at Law Will practice in all the courts. Office over First Natioual, Bank, Logan, Lo-gan, Utah. George Q,. Bicn, ATTORNEY A5D SOLICITOR. Will practice in all the courts of Ulab scd Idaho. Bankruptcy business a jecialty. Office in Theraas block, Main street, yigan, Utah. The Fruit season Is now here. Remember we made you prices last year on Fruit Jars and Sugar that our competitors could not meet. We are doing; the same thing this year. Get Our Prices before buying. jj HENRY G. HAYBALL Prof. Henry Otte . Instrumentalist and voealist liogau - Utab. Graduate of the Conservatories of Cjeipsie and Copenhagen. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Liucas CouDty. se. Frank J. Chenev makes oath that he is the senior partner of P. J. Cheney &Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, county coun-ty and state aforesaid"and"that said firm will pay sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS DOL-LARS for each aud every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use. of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frauk J. C eney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in mv presence, this 6th day of December, 1896. (Seal) A . "W. GleasoB, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure U taken internally internal-ly and acts directly on the blood aod mucous surface of the -systeu. Seud fjr testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney A . Co., Toledo, O. Kold bv druegists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Peterson & Sons, THE POPULAR Painter's ODDoeite Ooera House Or. Charles A. Gowans, DENTIST. Dentistry Practiced in All its Branches. OFFICE C ver Campbell & MorrelVs Store. M- - 55 Cleanse the liver, purify th blood, Invigorate In-vigorate the body by using DeWitt's Little Lit-tle Early Risers. These famous little pills always act promptly. t;o-op Grocery Gro-cery and Drug V ; the m I Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation $ k" Is now located in its new building on the Tituing office corner. J Money to loan No delay OtFiL'iiKS. Moses Thatcher, President. , George H. Champ. V'oe V-e;dent. A. B. Thompson, Secretary aad Treasurer. "!6l6arnG6 Sale. To make room for new stock we will give 10 per ceut discount on alt out Stoves and Kaoges. Garden tools at cost. M. C, Bverton, 3d st 5 W H o n rj ft. OB o id s ? n & (D 5 CP- ' to Something for Sotting Farnitnrj, carpets, etc., going cheap at Spaude s Furniture siore. . Cut this out and bring it with vou ad receive free a beautiful 75j picture witb each 85 purchase, or1.50 picture with each $10 purchase. pur-chase. 0. fcjpande o Furniture btore, J W.LARSON USD HISIM iEXT. ItOTAEV PIBHO. J&fo. fire and Crop Insurance Yholesale Wheat ani Produce a Specialty. Kewtcn crd alE! i ''u i Tlie N;tion Office. $ utenstB i Best Dining Gar Service. ELEGANT EQUIPMENT, Chair Cars Fres. TWO FAST TRAINS DAILY, TueVittw will allow 45 cents ; Cf! LeX for wheat on subscnp- |