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Show So. 4r,2--. Notice for Publication-Department Publication-Department of the Interior-Land Interior-Land OBice at Salt Lake Citr. Utah, Jane 7. 1SU. Notice is hereby siren that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to rnf ke final proof ia gnpport of his claim, an.l-that an.l-that said proi.f will be made before the Clerk of the District Court. First Jndicial District of the State of Utah in and for Cache county, Utah, at Logan City. Utah, on July 2. 1H0O. viz: Abraham Hunsaker. H li.li2 for the N E of Section 20 in township UNuE Kange 2 Went SLM. He names the following witnesses to provo his continuous residence upon and cultivation of f aid land, viz: A.J.Atkinson. Joseph DahV, John Thompson. Thomp-son. Joseph Atkinson, all of Clarkstoi, Cache county, Utah. Frank P. Hobhs. Register. |