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Show No. 4339. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. Land otfiee at Halt Lake City, Utah, Jane 20, 10-"0. Notice is hereby given that the fallowing named settler has tiled notice of her intention to make fir.al proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before the Count? Clerk in and for Cache county. Utah, at Logan Lo-gan City, Utah, on July SOU , IWX), viz.: Wilhelmine StefTenhagen Buehler formerly Wilheirnine Stetfenhaafii, for the S E Vt uf S U -h Sec 33 TpUNR t V and N of N E and A W of S E Sec 4 Tp 13 K of R 2 W S L AL. She narree the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, eaid land, viz.: W'iliiam H. Clark, Jihn 3uttare, William Sparks and George Loosle. all of ClarketDn, ( ache county, Utah. m Frank D.Hobbs. Register W. W. Manghan, Att'y for Applicant. |