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Show Are Too Troabled with D:inlraff? If so, get a bottle of Coks Dun lruff Cure. All druggists and barbjra $1.04 .riM'getable Preparalionfor As- J "j ; similaimglheFoodandRegula- s ting ttie Stomachs aMBowels of : Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfuf- 4 ness andRest.Contains neither I1 Opium.Morphine norliueral. IS'OT JJARCOTIC. . ; jttx..fmi I . RotkcUt Sellt- I K- jiriir. .trvrf I . - v: frpprmutl - 5 0 Hi Ct3inmakSga I - l HirmSttd- ; Clarified ,kraar I VuimymnFtavm: AperTecl Remedy forConstipa- Ron, Sour Stotnach.DiatThoca 'V. Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ness and Loss OF SLEEP. ;J . . : jr FacSuntle Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. .3 , : ,eAS t fifaoj'i'ViTta?-'"' For Infants and Children. Ths Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature hjf Use; J For Over Thirty Years - r Cure, worry and anxiety whiten the hair too early. I R.-uew It with Pabk:r s Haib Balsam. Hikdkrorks. the betcure for cuius. IScts. Indigestion is a bad companion. Get rid of It by chewing a bAr of Admns' Peuia Tutti Fruttl alter each meaL A DEAD jjIVER He thinks he lives, but he's a dead one Person really alive whose JP JxvV fcver is dead. During the winter yffgt most people spend nearly all their time h'fS m warm, stuffy houses or offices or rll workshops. Many don't get as much vS. v exercise as they ought, and everybody , , TV knows that people gain . weight in Sf 3 MA I I7V winter. As a rule it- is not sound '- ' " --Xli'W ''N weight, but means' a lot of flabby fat I y anc useIess rotting matter staying in r " 3 ; , the body when it ought to have been K v , , " y driven out. But the liver was over- V , 5 1 burdened, deadened stopped work. There A i.tVt 'V7 yu are, with a dead liver, and spring is the &S&?iJ?s t"ne or resurrectin' Wake up the deadl Get all the filth out of your system, and get ready for the summer's trials with clean, clear blood, body, brain free from bile. Force . is dangerous and destructive unless used in a gentle persuasive way, and the right plan is to give new strength to the muscular walls of the bowels, and stir up the liver to new life and work with CASCARETS, the great spring cleaner, disinfectant and bowel tonic-Get tonic-Get a box to-day and see how quickly you will be . yJ BROUGHT BACK TO NEW LIFE BY I To any needy mortal suffering from bowel troubles and too poor to buy CASCARETS we will send a box free. , Adaresi 1 Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York, mentioning advertisement and paper. 42i Hall' Catarrh Care Is a constitutional cure. Price, 76c. Hwinsloww;"',.,, . mi-nfk AT f 1 ETIT FIFJE COFFEE, OLD RIO, 10 lis. 97 CEKTS. f T !I Obi 4 I -6-2 EtM I Ni I W 5a lbs. $4.83. Fine Old Santos Coffee, 10 lbs. 97e. W can stou ble man SB'S!. J I V3 Ofco' , . n Iran Bed would cost per lb. If onOoffM. We boucht thU before the Ivancc. several carload, of It. and re givlue our caftonjerellie bcoelft i r " !!TBed8bythelb..biit thlslswlwt or, 2;50 'XnelTFuraiture Cawlosub oflt Sendforour SPECIAL 32-PACE PRICE LIST 1rtni prices 01 (rroeeries and tl.ond, of o'Jier rlh. WE DO NOT SELL IjJ ffi. of furniture. Send ''nuJ ota7Xood Chamber Suits, articles. Postatcanl .ill briug this n.h-e Ust ALL COODS at Wholesale Prices to ConsqpTers. TAJfr Weblier 6?.viine til Kind Of Furniture. T hr "hoMred in Vclour or Send for ourlarjc dr.13 .aloKue, WxU-;. It contains orer 100 pages. A postal ea.i will bri, it, All fan.. LriiSni Wholesale PriC JS on Byjg'tfom $2.50 UP: !d.erne sallsfacVy. We hae a handled bj RECISTERf.O PHARMACISTS, All Hods of Patent jiedlclne, at ,h orleo. tucon, containing WnO!. (w ( 'irVpie03Ucnes have been soldbyua and every oneMnsiac Sideboards, sumers. We wlTi send yoo this cataloiuc free for the asking, and It wlllsaveycu rlOR MOfjEY than any 1 oO. Tlwusaudsot theMtouu c Library Tables, Ja1SwJhSn5e7ltend for free Investment you can matt. tu no poods are sold at the pront that druirs are. SO-Ptt!V W:R fjAILS, Wri'lyiLETE LlWE t HjIq?? in fiw ANY ARTICLE neededtofurli'burn S3 .37. THIS IS A SPECIAL BARCAIN CONSIDERING PRESENT MARKET VALUx COMrfernmimr Koom FuHIf; Lrra1nlnir 100 pages. W e can save you ai. least, wi frorother prices see Sa-Pfie free pncoTlst. We lisve aji overstock of above sizes. RarK:t1:is In Barbed Wi SCaWo ''""2. . rfllNNEAPOLIS, miNN. i rice list frc ll M. ROBERTS' SUPPLY HOUSE, MINNEAPOLIS, UlUtU T. ft. ROBERTS' SUPPU nuu ' |