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Show PSgakfaam is a prpizd. and peeress record. It is a r coord of cure, cf constant conquest con-quest Over obstinate ills of woman? ills that deals out despair; suffering ' that" many , women think is woman's natural heritage; heri-tage; disorders and displacements dis-placements that drive out liOfiOm Lydia E. Pinkfum's Vegetable Compound cures these troubles of women, and robs menstruation, men-struation, of its terrors. No woman need hewcth-cist hewcth-cist the safest and surest advice, for Mrs. Pinkham counsels women free of charge. Her address is Lynn, fJlass. Can any woman afford to ignore the medicine and the ad v see that has cured a millfon vmmen? SAVE MONEY! - BLUE TAG TWINE....- '-, write UTAH IMPLEMENT CO. " . SALT LAKE CITY UTAH. E. H. AIRIS, PRES. R.-w. NICOL, Seo. SALT LAKE ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. CONTRACTING ELECTRICIANS. Wholesale and Retail Ehctrical Supplies. ...TELEPHONE NO. 6-.. 15 W. First So. St., Salt lake Citt, Utah. MORRILL'S PRiOTG INKS. SOLD BY WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. Books Staticneru Periodicals. Obtain your standard, juvenile, B-'bool and if boohs, bibles, office type riter and school supplies, plain ami eupruved business and soviet cards utid tattoiierr by leturn mail from A. R. lierge & to., bait Lake, Pil -es and satisfaction icuaranteed. I C $ZAn,89 PENSION r BICKKlllU, Washington. D. c.. the, I "ill receivequick replies. B. nth N H. Vols Staff 20th Corns. Prosscut.EB Claims s.o 18 7 S """sheepmen. Write us for marketreporte on sheep and iambs. Toor consia-Mineiitii sollcltcil by k.vulli.v BOOTH, ihc OQl fcxclmne t-heep c,.ninilsloii C.mpanv at Hie l.-.t ilieep market In the wrla. Kansas C.ty Stock Vara. DR.GUKfl'SPILLS ONE FOR A DOSE. Care Sick Headache and Dt-pepsla, Dt-pepsla, liemove Mm pies, Purify the B.,od. Aid Dlges-tlou.l Dlges-tlou.l reventBIIIouimeHS. DonotGripeorSlclcen. To BOSANKO CO., PhUalclpala, r. Sulduy Drugglsta. INAUQUItATEO FEBRUARY aTH. THREE TRAINS DAILY TO ... DENVER, OMAHA, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST, via Rio Grande Western Ry. Snto Specif, and at 8: Jp. m., (UxeTta. PERFECT DINING CAR SERVICE. - W EEO. W. HE1MT2. S, H, BASCOCK. RAt. H8S. sBIWT. TRAFFIO MANAffi.. f! - Awits, wtKtliaTLk fails. CaT W. r. U.. Salt Lake-No. 29. lOOO. |