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Show True Sportsmanship It Is hard for the supporters of a losing team to soo anything good In tho winners much loss to praiao them. Tho gonulno sport is supposod ,to do this but wo otton foal that "gonulno sportB" aro vory Bcarco. Wo aro pleased, howavor, to find that tho people peo-ple ot Sprlngvlllo, if tho account In tho "Sprlngvlllo Doo" reflects tho sentiment ot tho fans, aro genuine sports. It wo had boon writing tho account, no liner trlbuto could havo boen paid to our ball playora than thoso found in tho following extract from tho "Doo:" "In tho olghth Inning of ono ai tho best and closest games played on ' tho local diamond, tho Lehi team , gained a ono-run lead and came through with a victory by the score ot 4-3 In thoir favor. "Tho afternoon was particularly sultry, sul-try, and tho opening Innings did not promiso much in tho way ot excitement; excite-ment; In tho first gamo, Thrashor lifted lif-ted a protty two-baggor to tho outfield out-field with tho socond and'thlrd basos occupied, bringing In two runs. In tho fourth inning Davis rapped out a hit, later crossing tho plato for a run; Fliogor and Momory scored on a slnglo by McKoo and an over throw at first baso. This tied tho scoro, and tho gamo prococdod with each team threatening to scoro on sovoral occasions. "What looked llko an opportunity to forge ahead came 'whon Frederick- ' son reached third baso 4tor a Bnappy jhtt nnd soma fnst baso running. With Left Fliogor at the bat tho crowds oxpectcd a score, but thoy reckoned without tho opposing pitcher. Rather than glvo Lefty a, chauco to loso tho ball, ho dollberatoly walked him with four wild tosses that brought tho fans to thoir feet in protest Dut ! baseball Is basoboll, and Lohl could , tako no chancos. Lofty stole socond In an effort to attract tho ball In his direction, but in tho resulting stoal Fredorlckson was tagged at tho homo plato. "Uarnos, Lohl'a outfioldor, made a couple ot protty catchos, pulling a long lilt by Dowalo out ot the air. In tho olghth, Sprlngvlllo again threatened to tlo tho scoro, with Fredorlckson again on third baso. A long hit to loft Hold was again caught by Uarnos, who with a porfoct peg put out a runnor at first base, a somewhat unusual foat for an outfioldor." out-fioldor." k |