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Show PjrtfTCHEkSII feCABINETi (). Ull, Weitern Newgpaprr Union.) Lord let me live while t enn see The beauty In the blossoming- tree. The meic&ge In tho wayalde (lower, And love it (or Its one short hour. -N. I. McClung. HOT WEATHER DfllNKS If we have been forehanded nnd Ins. summer nnd fall provided for tho hot days, by putting up va-m va-m rlous fruit Juices, we flHBBRi will nlwuys bo prepared pflWB for tho warm weather. flflJWafl Of courso there Is the QZpBJ ever-present lemon, Bntjil wn,cn 's n Bood old fl ''OB standby, and ono of I'ropMjJ which wo never tiro. IFvWj Add a beaten egg to a LABBl t'ltcher of lemonade mim tWot if a good-sized pitcher; It adds to tho value of the drink ns a food and makes It a different differ-ent drink. This will bo n good tip to mothers who want tho fumlly to eat eggs; In this way they go down with llttlo protest With tho addition of a sprig of mint or u section of lemon tho delicacy und nttractlvencss of tbo draught Is Increased. Tho Juices of nny of tho berries make delicious fruit drinks. Rnspbcrry shrub Is especially well liked. This Is prepared by adding vinegar to the berries, let stand for n day and drain, sweeten tho Juice, cook and bottle. Grnpo Julco Is ono of tho most popular of all; this may be bought In any town, but when prepared pre-pared nt homo Is of much better quality qual-ity and less expensive. Cocoa or chocolntc for thoso who nro fond of these flavors may bo prepared In n sirup and kept for weeks. Iced coffee nnd ten nro both refreshing re-freshing nnd stimulating. Iced Tea. Tnke two, tcnspoonfuls each of green nnd blnck ten; pour over n pint of boiling wnter nnd cover tightly, let stand five minutes to draw. Tuke n largo piece of Ice, plnce In a grnnlto pan nnd pour over It tho boiling boil-ing ten. When well chilled ndd wnter to tasto and fill glnsscs. Garnish with sections of lemon nnd servo with loaf sugar. Fruit Shrub. Cover tho berries, using us-ing hnlf as much vinegar as berries, let them stand for threo days In a cool, place, then strain and ndd four moro quartB of fruit to tho Julco nnd vlnegnr; again stnnd threo days, drain nnd put Into n preserving kettle with a pound of sugar to each three cupfuls of Juice. Boll and scnl In bottles. Blackberries, loganberries, or any fruit may bo thus treated. Frozen Beef Tea-Thls Is a novelty which will appeal to tho Invalid during the hot weather. Tako n thick cut of round steak, broil It quickly until tho Juice begins to run, place In a vegetable press and cxtrnct all the Juice. Add a pinch of salt and serve frozen llkf mush. Don't think you have a corner on the trouble market I could mention eevernl varieties you've i never evea heard of. What you need la the philosophy philos-ophy of cheerful endurance. Then you will begin to accomplish. Lloyd. tastytTd.bits A delicacy to servo with a cup of ten Is round, crisp crackers spread pjBMpi with cottage cheese and gPfS-S. " marlschlno cherry FWf T pluced In tho middle. KSvT 01nserbrend cut In small flfljo j 1 rounds mny be treuted Sjfl ,ne un'o w'y- A small S-L-Sft? squuro of applo Jelly . may bo used In pluce of the euerry, If desired. Another cheese cracker which la not very common Is prepared as follows Take the fresh crisp crackers a third longer than wide and lay them side by side In n dripping pan. Cut thin oblongs ob-longs of cheese slightly smaller than tho crackers, lay on, and over thlt place hulves of pecuns, four or live to each cracker. Iiaco In the oven nnd melt the cheese. Serve with crisp stalks of white celery. Rice a la Creme. Wash one-half cupful of rice und cook In wnter until partly done, then ndd uillk and simmer until the milk is absorbed; season with n little salt. Dissolve ono tublespoon-ful tublespoon-ful of gelatin in a little wuter, add to the hot rice, sugar to sweeten and vn-, vn-, nllla to flavor. When cold add u half cupful of heavy cream whipped, pour Into a mold und serve with fruit us n garnish. Huntington Salad. Chop very flno , enough white cabbage to make two-thirds two-thirds of n cupful, ndd ono softened cream cheese to the cabbage, mix well, season, roll Into halls and sprlnklo with paprika. Arpinge nn lettuce und serve with French dressing. Harvest Glnger-ade Take u toble- I spoonful of powdered ginger, mix with four tahlespoonfuls of sugar and add threo cupfuls of cold water. Stir well, odd a piece of Ico and let stund for a tew minutes before serving. |