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Show LAWS TO AID FRAUD CASES Attorney General Asks For Legislation Legisla-tion to Believe Court Jurisdiction Washington. Amendments of existing ex-isting laws with reference to summoning summon-ing of witnesses in civil cases is urged by Attorney General Daugherty in litters lit-ters to Chairman Nelsoa of the senate sen-ate Judiciary committee and Chairman Chair-man Volstead ot the house Judiciary committee, asking for additional legislation leg-islation to enable the government to institute suits for the recovery 61 money in "certain war fraud casos." Prompt enactment ot such legists' Hon has now become essential, Mr. Daugherty said, as without It, the government gov-ernment will be so "hampored," In Its efforts to recovor money out ot which tho govornmont "has been defraudod that they might prove unavailing In many cases." "It has boen discovered," a statement state-ment Issued at tho same tlmo by the. department ot Justice, said, "as the war fraud cases have boen pushed toward to-ward complotlon, that without the early enactment of new legislation, the rights of the government in civil suits will be seriously embarrassed In vtrutlally all tho cases now under consideration." |