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Show ICAL MINING MAN SUFFERS SEVERE ACCIDENT JKhnrlca Karl, woll known local inln- lJHglninn, sustained painful Injuries wyhon ho foil down tliu shaft of tho gAuntlu nilno In Amcrlcau Fork Can- Byonllnst Friday. .Mr. Karl and Hoy Mllarrls were placing sumu ladders In flHltck sixty-foot shnft of tho Austin JlnlOT when tho accident ( occurred. Esrtlmbora upon which thoy were RSSjidlng, sotno thltry-llvo foot flora IS' bottom of tho Rhalt, gavo way In jBStio unnccounlublo luannor, precipl- upig Mr. Karl to tho rocky bottom jfl' tho shaft. Hoy Harris saved IHHmsclf by hanging to tho laddur that jKid already boon put in place, a nnr jfliw but fortunato oscapo. Mr. Karl jjBtmck tho bottom ot tho shaft JKmurely upon his toot, badly crush jflug und mangling theso mombors. Blltt back also rccolved u severo skak- Hngup. Othor bruises and lacoratlons Kidded considerably to tho sorlousnoss Buf tho accldont. jH Tho wholo camp was Immediately jBnrousod and rescuo measures adopted. Ha ropo owing was Improvised and by Bmd of tho windlass tho patient was hoisted to tho surface and then con H oed to tho camp whore first aid Bf troatment was admlnlstorod, a jB messongor moanwhllo having been B dispatched to A'merlcan Fork for tho H doctor. H During tho long wait for tho ar- rival of modlcal aid, from 11:30 o'clock a. m. until C o'clock p. m., Mr. Kalr sufTered excruciating pain, tho only sedatives at hand being strong. Hi colfco, ginger, and hot packs. In tho y early evening, Iiowovor, Dr. Noyos jtf arrived and soon relieved tho acuto buffering of tho patient by means -of H opiates. H It was now so lato In tho ovcnlng H that it was docldod to remain until fl morning boforo attomptlng tho trip I down tho canyon. Consequently at H 7 o'clockTsnturday morning" tlfoJouf-H tlfoJouf-H ney down tho canyon was begun. Tho llrst two and a halt mllos required tho ubo of strotchor, tho trail bolng I exceedingly stoop and dllllcult. Willi-I Willi-I out tho uso of morphluo It would L hao been qulto imposslblo for tho S$ patlont fb havo endured this leg of am tho Journey. Tho noxt section of tho trip was negotiated In a wagon, and I fiom Dcor Creok to tho American I Fork Hospital iu an automobllo, tho I wholo trip requiring just sovon hours. 1 Mr. Karl Is roported to bo resting I fairly woll nt this writing. It la pro-I pro-I posod to tako othor X-ray plcturos of I his back In an ondoavor to locato any I possible fracturos or dislocations Tho doctors express great surprlso that tho rail did not result In con- cusslon ot tho brain. I This paper bollovos that it Is ox-I ox-I pressing tho slncoro sympathy of tho M wholo community to Mr. Earl and H his family when it wishes him a B speedy and comploto rocovory. - Hi n |