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Show c Dr. Hedger's Lecture 1' To a fairly well filled house, Dr. Carollno Hedgor delivered a flno talk to tho pooplo of Lohi at tho Auditorium Audi-torium Tuesday evening on tho subject, sub-ject, "What tho Community Owes tho t Child." It is usual for us to hoar of j what tho individual owes tho community com-munity but Dr. Hedgor showed in a vory understandable manner that tho child is of groat valuo to tho com-' com-' munlty. Tho death of an Jnfa'nt, sho pointed out, represents a loss to tho , community that cannot bo easily cal-. cal-. culatod. Hor address waB full of , similar statements that Bet hor audi-' audi-' enco thinking. Altogether It was an oxceodlngly worth whilo talk. Dr. t Hodgur will bo wolcomo in our midst . again. |