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Show w Repairs at Darling Hotel ITho -front ot tho 'local hotel has boon tho contor ot consldorablo activity recently. Tho porch has boon re-rooted and othorwlBo ropalrod a'nd now tho wholo front ie to rocolvo n now coat ot whlto paint. Mr. Darling Darl-ing apparently boliovos that a gallon of paint is worth a hundred dollars as a trado gottor. Wo all enjoy entering enter-ing a hotol or business houso that presents a neat, clean, and thrifty nppoaranco both outsldo and lnsido. ICvory ono is hotter satisfied with a purchase It tho goods aro passod to him over a spotless platoglass show enso than It ho recolvos thorn ovor a greasy counter. Ho would likewise rather ontor a storo that lias a well kept oxtorjor than ono whoso out-' out-' sUIq is 111 kept. Thoro Is no explaining explain-ing It other than to say that it is Just human nature - |