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Show - n v it . Beautiful Spring Is Here . And our Spring Goeds win arrive f I in a few days, we will then be able . , to show you the prettiest line -of Silks Silks and Wove mixtures, Organdies, ' ' Dinities, Precales and other Spring.. .1 ;; Goods ever shown injthispart of -Utah 4 We invite you 'to come and rsee what , is . we 3iave to offer you, they are beauties . " It Our Spring and Summer hats are 1 here, they are simply wonders this ,, -' , year. We have the Goods and will ' ; . : make you better prices than you can . ' A r expect at any other house, ds we buy . i' m large quanties and make it worth , - 1 people's time to give us inside prices. m " If PEOPLES OOOPERA- ' '' !,- TIVE INSTITUTION W. E, RACKER, Superintendent - 'LH !"!! . '. 1 y '" ' ' ' ' 1 -v g To our store and will show you .. some Bargains. i Wc bought a ltirge bill of goods from a fit m &oing out of business and ahnll ive our customers the benefit of the law prices we bought at. We will please you. IJas. Kirlham & Son! t II ,WM. WING, PROPRIETOR OF T.ke .Leki LiVeri Stalbl'e ' State Street, opposite U. P. Depot, . Hack lo'Tftici from all trains. Telephone in connection. " "AH calls promptly answered. A.BRADDER. J. J. ClbL. " , kli .te lltfUfi, d hit Ws Xa it f 1 firttirti.ri of All kinds of IJeadstonos, Monuments, rPmbl3ts, CzirbinQriorgGGnietary 6ts mi d Gut S ton 0 for JBuildinas. ' .All Woik; Gut ranfellT- j Trices to suit the tunes |