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Show " v ; J Sugar Beet Seed .' ; "' Tho wide awake local- journals nt the &- . , impoitant I cot sugnis centers, Chino Pr , and Wntsonville, are very pioperly call- ; , inj? attention to thf fact Hint tho strain" "' , ,j - tj ed coniineioinl relations between Ger- ' , ' j. . many and the United States may en m, " , i , -danger our supply of sugar beet seedi SfV ' a t'int tllu 0llly ""ni'J against Pf '" J trouble is to bo no longer dependent fiu ' ' upon foreign need growers. Wo have I'JIlHif ' , often pointed out tlio fact that, wholly Wp, ,, , apart lrom any interfeieu-e with the jjf & , ' ' trade tlieie are suflicient reasons why ir," " the United SttUcs should develop a ife ' home supply. California has peerless I u adaptations for the teed pioduct as was I " " recently quite fully outlined in these ?y ' . coluinnii. 1 ' p , Why we should bo selling trniuloadp f'" J of other seeds and buying trainloada' of ,' v beet Hml does not appear. There ib fc" - j , certainly no nntuial ditllcultv about , 1$' 7 "'' -grjwing beet seed hcie; all that is nee " essary is to employ tho same exact met hods in determining tl e qualitp of the J ... , ' mother beets and handling them as in- telligently ns it is done abroad. The very fact that wo produce richer baets from French and ( iernYan seed H than ore pi od need in those countries I - (, from the snuioEeed should be couelus- ,c , t s, ivo proof that the production of seed '" ", here would tend to breed the beets to a 1 . , higher standard '-athor then a lower 'One. Having the natural conditions to , t"'' . reach this result it remains but for a I skilled application of scientific princip les, with a reasonable amount of capita to mako a success fiero of this cognite branch of tho sugar industry, t-i'iieifiu Rural Prean. , sCalfornia should wake up and & into f , u tho sugar industry in earnest. Utah is s 5wr.away nheml of them on this seed'pfg A Jt w ' 'Mi Position. Wo laise'beet'seed' :lferoi-Bcc - -.,' Fvvrl ohd to nono in the world. |