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Show A good Meet Country. .. Messes Cutler and Granger rcturne i , , on Thursday from their visit to Grand $'w .-, f-, Hondo valley Or. where tho new sugai V, -' f" iactoiy is to bo built. They speak yery , f '"', ' -' highly of tho country and think it an T" ( ideal region for glowing EUgar beets and , ' " the piospeots for the success of thu farm eis and fnctoiy aiu very flattering. Tno Janneis are going into the business in earnest and do not doubt its success They have grown oxperiiupntal patches of from J4 to 2 acres and the tonage and tugar contents havo been exceptionally high. Fifty-nine fanners havo con- "v traded for IJ.&OO acres. iTho people of of tho valley will bo given a ehanco to cultivate tliein but if enough help can" not bo secured there, Chinamen will be brougnt in to do tho work. Thoio is a splendid chance for fanners from here to t gothero. Tho funnels will let them havo land to cultivate on tho moat rc- iihonablo terms and bo glad to havo ox- , J periuced men fiom lieie, and somo aio talking of going up there. Mr. Granger returns this week and as soon as he gols back woik on the faetniy will begin and pushed to completion an rapidly as pos&" able. They expect to have all the beeto they can haiu.le next fal. and will give tho new factory a good test. |