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Show H H ui ijj!";jj. '!.':':' '" ' --- -- '- --- "" I Use only one heap- I ing teaspoonful of I Schillings Best Bak- I ing Powder to a I quart of flour. B You must use two tcaspoonfuls of other baking powder. H m , i H Dr.-Ellen IJ. Ferguson many months B ago became a devotee at tho nhriuo of B theo.ophv, and in bo doing cast aside B Mormonism, which had been the H iountnin of her faith for many years. B liut Mormonism require, a strict and H undivided fealty and last Sunday Dr B Ferguson was formally excommunicated B from the church for apostaoy. Tlie rite B of expulsion was performed by Bishop B Whitney Sunday afternoon at tho fast B meeting in the Eighteenth ward of Salt H Lake city, whero Mrs' Ferguson has for H many years bneu a member in good H iron, frank J. C.tnnon bobs up seicne- H ly as a candidate for ro-election for the B senate but just how he is going to get B there doeg not at present appoar. Tito B Democrats don't want him though somo H of the nntional leaders aro urging hia re- B election; tlie MeKinley Republicans HB haye no use for him and the silve- B Republicans aro not numeious enough B to give him required number of B votes. The Denver News gavs him a B boost last Sunday and says ho Hhould H Miss Etliel Pratt's the B Central building closed yesturday and B today she takes Miss Rich's school in B Robs B Tho North Branch meeting house was B crowded at tho M. I. A. conjoint meot- B ing on Sunday night. B HB I have given Chamberlain's Cough B Remedy a fair test and consider it one o B very best rcnedies for croup that I M found. Ouo dose has ithvavs B been although I always uso'it H rcely. Any co'd children HH yields very readily to medicine. B oan conscientiously reqonuuent it for v5il.Pu c?,Ua,in ildrcn.-Oeo. E B ,Voll, ,9le,k if OlrotUfc Cotlit B lornantlinn Fla. Sold by II, it, Mcrri- The new number of Collier's Weekly abounds in largo plates, tho frontispiece being a full-page design by George Wharton Edwards showing Columbin,-ollve Columbin,-ollve branch in hand, yet leaning on a cannon and looning intently for signs of pcacn and war. Tue double-pngo plnte whicli is by Sonnlag, tho noted marine artist shows tho probablo nspect of a contest between forts and battleships, and tho oft-asked question as to which will be the more effective the modem fleet or the modern fort is discussed at length by lieutenant W. N. King. A picture of tho Maine as she was occupies ' a full page ; so does a strong plate oMhu night-rescue of the passengers and crow of tlie wrecked Veendnm by the American Ameri-can liner St. Louis. A farewell party in honor of Mr. C. A. Granger will be given on Wednesday evening. Tho American Fork M. I. A. will furnish a program hero on Sunday night. Miss Christie Fox has returned from her recent visit to Cache valley. For Sale A good building spot containing 1 acres of land with good orchard upon it. Enquire of Geo, Newman or at this oillce. Some of the R. G. W. trains have changed as will be Been by looking at tho time table. Conference Rates. For the annual conference. L. D. S. and Woman's Conference, L. D. S., at Salt Lake City, April 0th to 0th inclusive, tho following rates are authorized by theR. G. W. to Salt Lake a id return : From Rate Sandy 50 Rh'crlon 75 Lehi $1.25 American Fork 1.35 Geneva ; 1.50 Provo 1 .00 Springville 2. 10 Spanish Fork ; 2.25 Benjamin 2 25' Payeon 2..15 ! Tickets will bo sold on following dates: From Ogdeu, Park City, Bingham, Springville, Silver City and intermediate points, from April 5th to 0th inclusive! tickets limited to April 15th, 18U8. From all other points April 4th to 8th, inclusive; in-clusive; tickets limited to April 18th, 1898, except Grand Junction, Fruita and Cisco, at which points tickets aro on sale only on April 5th, limited to date of issue on going trip with Until limit April 18:h. ' ' What pleasnro is theio in life with a headache, constipation and bllliousness? thousands experience them who could become perfectly healthy by using De-Witt's De-Witt's Little Early Risers, tho fatnoqa little pills. H. B. Merrihow. Whooping Cough is the most distress ing malady; but its duration can b(i cut short by the uso of One Minute Cough Cure, which is also the best known remedy for croup and all lung and bronchial troubles II. B. Morriliew. We am anxious to do n little good In this world and can think of no pleasantor or better way to do it than by recommending recom-mending One Minute- Cough Uuro us n preventive of pneumonia, consumption and other serio.us lung troubles that follow neglected colds. II. B. Merrihow. Merri-how. j Don't annoy others by yoni coughing, and lisk your life by neglecting a cold One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs, colds, crouge, grippe and all throat and I lung troubles. II. B. Merrihow. Children aiTd adults tortured by burns, scalds, injuries, eczema orekiii diseases may secure instant relief bv using DoWitt'ri Witch Hazel Salvo. It is the great Pile reined). II. B. Merri-hew. Merri-hew. There are three little things which do moie work than any other three little things created the are the ant, tho bee and bdWitt's Little Early Risers, the last being tho fan.ous Httlo pills for. stomach and liver troubles. II. B Merrihow. A Cure For Lame Back. "My daughter Alien recovering from an attack of fever, was a great sufferer from pain in tho back and hips," writes Louden Grover, of Sardis, Ky "After using quite a number of lemcdiea without with-out any Lem fft she tried one bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and it has given entire rolief." Chamberlain's Pain Balm is alro a certain cure for riieumntiem. Sold by II. B. Merrihew, rugdgist. EUncnto Your lSaoIa V.'lth Cmearct. Candy Oathnrtlc. euro constipation loroicr. Mo, 33. It C. C. C. rail, ilrusRlsta roruua inoxioy. lso-To-l!uc for Flftj- Ccntr. Guaranteed tobatco habit euro, moltes vcM; men strong, blood i)urc. &0c,$l. All druggists. To Ct.ro CointlpuUon t'orovor. TaltoCiscurets Cnmlv Cathartic. lOo or 23c. It C. C- C. tail to euro, druggists rotund monoy. OA8TOHIA. Kvcryhoily Bays So. Cascarcta Candy Cullmrtlc, the most wonderful won-derful medical discovery of the ago, pleasant pleas-ant mid rofrcaliing to llio taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleanslug tho ontlro system, dispel colds, euro licaduclio, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box or O. C. C. to-day; 10, jm. fo cents, bold and guaranteed to cure by all druyglst.9. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DESERET NEWS It is the organ of the Church, the paper in tlie Rocky Mountain Region and can always bo relied upon to advo cate or defend the right side of every question. SUDSOKUTION MUCK Daily $10,00 peryear. ficmi Weekly 2,50 " Weekly 2,00" " Address The Deseret News Co. Salt LakoCIty. "GOOD TIMES HAVE COHE. You can afford to tadulgo yourself or your family in the luxury ot a Rood weekly newspaper news-paper and a quarterly magarinu of fiction, you can get both of these publications with almost a library of good novels for $5 per year. world famed for its brightness and tho most complete General Weekly-covering a wider range of subjects suited to tho tastes of men an-J women of culture and refinement than any Journal-ever published. Subscription price, h per annum. TALES FROM TOWN TOPICS, a a5SPge Quarterly Magazine of fiction, appearing the first day of March. June. September and ho-comber, ho-comber, and publishing original novels by the best writers ot the clay and a mass of short stories, poems, burlesques, witticisms, etc. Subscription price, $1 per annum. Club price for both, $5 per annum. You can have both of these if you subscribe NOW nad a bonus of 10 novels selected from the I.st below. Kcrrnlar prico for each, SO cents. All sent pobtaid, Uemit $5 in New VorU o.-tchange, express or postal money order, or by registered letter, together with a list of the 10 novels solcctcd, by numbers, to TOW.V TOI'ICI. ' , 208 riftli Avenue, ,ow YorLV "OS 6Tn SAI.n OP A VVI. DiCMS Mrt.etUn. j 1IIH K.O.-IV OI'llll. ISIVt ly A S Vat.WMJrs.tn -MX Muni lis IN HAD) lly Chilce I LMBlum -tills SKIltis 01. illAM.ll. lly CsjiUm A1UM I n tmp,n '."".iVJ'.'y KI!VT IW Chlc SUM Wjn. ,. -' tl'l'ils HI' VltirCli. ilk Cmmyi! Illiiell ' '-1 ONM'I'AKAIIt.U SilKIlN flv i.hn llll. ' ' l' J1,?. )Kl'.A,,,r1' WOMAN. y IUi.l II Vnn '" lAtlS "UNVJIl: lly r.tlmti McKelnre. !i . ,.1 LuV" '"-Ains Cy l.4i) (.tiiwii) Muiray. . . i.'.vV '" MAHKAHI.li C.IKt.. lly 1. II lllrLftwl lf-AM!IA..I H)M lln- lly II.VH K )Uai.. r-llil III S UK liU'lMMaa, lly Aulll Vluat irinii.'-, A IAK.it l'-IUN lly jdlin lilllUb .. J A MAlUli; lu LOVls. Uy Jvnn IT. Ww4,j .", ' ' B i ! COLLIERS WEEKLY, . ' . ' Of all Weekly Papers there immt bo " ' - it1 one which is the best; Collier's Weekly'''1 " m in that one. - "', It is made by a combination of the ,, gicatest writers and the greatest artists- &: in tlie world, who are tegular contributors contribu-tors to its pages, and each of whom 00 cupies a page every week. Mayo W. Hazi:i,tini: writes the Edi- . ' torials There is no living man who sees clearer, thinks straigliter, and can convey thought with such cogency and ' chaimashe. EnoAit SAt.trs writes "Our Note- ; Book". The wide scope and brilliant - " ; quality of this brilliant writer's mind ' w r- 'peculiarly Tit him for this function. Julian Hawthorne does our ''Vita scope." These papers add week by week to the wealth of a reputation al ready world-wide. ' Laet, but not least, Eiiuak Fawcktt,. - in his "Men, Manners and Moods" tlnds himself at his best ; and that best is un-surpttssed un-surpttssed by any contemporary author. His social philosophy, his satire, hia humor and his poetry constitute him . ' - the favorite writer of men and rcmen , .v of the world. ",, As for artiste words cannot describe- ' & pictures, and these drawings will" speak '- for themselves. - " 4 'H All this for only 4.00 a year, payable "' ,J 50 cents a month. On receipt of your J :: order the paper will bo sent you for w one month; then our collector will call ' ' , Ou you for the first payment of DO cents .y r and he will call for a similar sum every . --. month until the. 4.00 is paid. In no other v. ay can tho money be invested to secure such returns of intellectual pro- " ' fit and pleasure. " : ' Address, ,. ' Collier's Weekly ' " V G21 to 540 West Thirteenth Street . , "1 ' New York. "' ". ' -. - 3 ' Ca8toria is truly a marvelous thing . ? .V'. or children. Doctors prescribe it, " - , ; ., meuical journals recommend it an'd I j"' more than a million mothers are using ' ".nstJ it in place of Paregoric, Ba.eman,& '; ' . J fii'' 'l Drops, so-sailed soothing uyrups and . t - other narcotic and stupefying remedies. - Castoria is the quickest thing to ' "C regulate the stomach and bowels and "" ' give healthy sleep the world havo ever seen. It is pleasant to tho taste and. absolutely hasmless. It rolievesconsti- r pation, quiets pain, cures, diarrhoea and wind-colic, allays feverisiiness, destroys " worms, and prevents convulsions, sooths the child and gives it refreshing and ' r natural sleep. Castoria is tho children's '" panacea the mother's friend - Zy.l v-k -, " Castoria is put up in one-siza bottles A- . only. It is not sold in bulk. Don't T "" allow any one to sell j-ou anything else ' . ," on the plea or promise that it is "just as, good" and "will answer every purpose." See that y&u get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. . '"BM rjq?i ' 1 I DENVER and RIO GRANDE L R; ? SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD ' Two Fast Trains Daily LnADVUiLK, ASPKN, PuEDbO I'obouAuo SmiNas and DuNvun. Effectivo Fob. 15, 1808. Train No. 2 leaves Lehi 10:14 am Salt Lake 0:00 a m. Arrive at Pueblo- 5:45 am. Colorado Springs 7:03 a m I Denver 0 :20 a m I Train No. 4 leaves. Leiii 8:21 p m Salt Lake 7:40 pin At rive Pueblo 5:18-plm 5:18-plm Colormlo Springs 0 ;52 p m Denver 0:25 p.m. Connections mado at Puholo, Colora ' do Springs and Denver with all lines East. Elegant day coaches chair cars and Pullman sleepers on alhtrains. Take tho D St. R G and havo a coinfortaljle-Mn coinfortaljle-Mn and enjoy the fluent scenery on the continent S. K. Hooper 1$. F. Kevins G P & T-A General Agent II. M. Quailing, Trav, Passenger Agent Ti Our' ."Ji:;tliti.ii Ijoiivor. , f r'i? 9iis'!tts 'lv Uutlmrtf lOoorSSc. If G. O. C, fail -0 eitie, 'Ir-JKnlsts refenU monojn ! |