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Show t I I Ask James Kirkham and Sons for ;;:" 0. S. Bakipg powdef r ; Best in the world ior.th: price. . " G "W UK M.."W CC sk HSC OJ CLJ J Vjv MJ m.- b XS3 Retail price; 5oz. ioc. H ?. t5c. 160. 25c. V, ";U.S. Baking Powder -Go. : SALT LAKE CITS'. ' 500caipi'ttucfe foi 5.at tho Co op. A load of hay tul-en on subscription at this ottlce. Try Schilling's Dost tea and baking powdor. See that your children always wear District 7(1 school shoes. For salu by People's Co-op. Did you o'vbV Wear Sego L'ly shoes? If not, Why not? One trial will convince you. Sold by People's Co op. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. Burlington Route New Service Chichago Special Fast Tim e. On and after Feb. 6, daily service ser-vice will be establislud. leaving Denver at c) 30 a m, arriving at Lincoln 10 30 p m Omaha 11 55 p-m Chicago at 25 15 following da)'. Only one night on the road. Pullman Vestibuled Sleeper.s Dining and Free Reqlining chair cars. This train makes direct con ' nection with all trains from ooints on the O. S, . L, and V . G W Railways for Chicago . rd a eastern points. Be sure your tickets road via Burlington Route from Denver W. F.MoMILLAN General Agont. R. F. Nn8Mv.Trnv.Pi3, & Fit Ag 14 S, Went Tomplo St. 0, S. L.Buildins, Salt Lake City hkh mii red pr Advertisement - I Now is tno time of the year to increase '.k Ayour Husiness and get tlio Holiday trado H jg but tho question is how. Tho bcstT i'jvwny is to keep your business before thew H a public' This can b done by putting '' H 3,an advertisement in tho Banner, lluu-. H J: diods of peoplo read it. Our list 01 stib-Jr H ji'scribors is grwing every week, H If it Tiras here- """" " ' ' "'-'-'' ' ."J": Tin rrTiiiii miiiiii 1 li'ilTiini'ii nMMMiiiMii'J iiiiiiiiiii'iMrJTiiii iiiimbw , The best is the cheapest. M wiAiJLmm rnxam mmiwm ' Strictly Hrst Class Fit and Workmanship H Guaranteed. Price frnm $14 up Including Cloth. M Triming and nil complete. Wo havo a largo and Varied Lino of the Latest H Patterns of goods to Selest from. Wo have Just received 400 new pattcni H of Spring and Summor goodH. Call Soon and Examine Them. KemeinbcrVo Guarantee Satiufaction JAS. E. DOLMER, TAILOR 2 J)O01lS WEST OF CO-OP , M American Fork Utah H LEH1 ? FRUIT f STORE. I CHARLES EARL. Proprietor. H TflT(:miW'Tl!lliiVWJi Both Home Grown H IT1 iidi!!M M MI&JmW and Imported' M nn.tL.i3sr stbbet, - lbhe M Beesley Marble Works I MANUFACTURERS OF 1 Marble and Granite Mouments Headstones, Tablets, Curbing, &c. High grade work a specialty. H Sezicl for IDosigpas ad. Prioss. H Oregon Sliort Line Time Table. H In effect July 25, 1897. fl Sr35T ' ItLu 'M32 JSEM. 3C s Trains oing North: H 8:26 a. m. For Salt Lake,' Tintic, Mercur and intermediate points M 5:14 p. m. For Salt Lake, Portland, Butte and all points east. M Trains going South. M S:S3 a. m. For Provo, Manti, Nephi and all intermediate points. M 7:03 p. ip. For Provo, Nephi, Friscc and intermediate points. M Between Salt Lake and Ogclen, H Four trains unrh way daily, leaving Salt Labo nt 7 and 8 a. m. and -1 nml H .p.m. lwo through trnms to all points east, leaving Salt Lal:o nt7' H 11. 111. and 7 p. n; 1 , nml reaching J)cnvcr. Jvansas City, Omaha, St. Loa H Chicago and St. Paul from thieo to twelve hours quicker than nnv otVr H li::a. Tram for Tooele leaves Salt Lako at 7:-15a,ni. i'or furtliCL' H information call on C. J. C.vMrncLL, agent Lchi H J D' E' Bunr'EV- ftfi'" "Kent Salt Laktf. H Bio Grande Western H ?Rea TIME TABLE ' I ?ALT e,akCct!' ! 7 In Effect Mar. 5 1898 TRAINS WESTBOUND. H No, r. From the East Leaves Lchi at u 135 a.m. M No. 3. From the East leaves Lchi at 8:24 p. m. M No. 5. From Sanpete Valley points arrives at Lehi at 4 126 p. m' j No, 7. From Eureka, Payson, Springville, arrives at Lehi 8:57 a. m H TRAINS EASTBOUND. H N,o. 2. For the East leaves Lehi at 9:26 a. ni. M No!; '4. For the East leaves Lehi at 8:24 p. m, SsTo, 6 For Sanpete Valley points leaves Lehi at S: 57 a. m. H ,fl6;.S For sPrin-ViHc, Payson andEurelca leaves'Lehi at 5 :S0p. m H ' Train No. 6 runs to Belnap arriving there at 4:55 p. m.f No. 5- leaves Belnap at 8:55 a. m. Trains No. 1, 2, 3, and 4 do not stop at Lehi. M 1). O. Donor S. II. Baiicock, f tir Oen. Mpr. TraflicMgr. H W. F. Welsh, local aKt. F. A.Waijleigii, Gen. PaenCr a B JOB PRINTING, ' I The Banner Job Office contains a complete outfit for H doing first-class job printing of all kinds at H reasonable prices. M |