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Show H OASTOB.IA. Picking up Knowledge Is easy onough if you look for it in tho ljight place. This is tho right pluce to learn just what to do for that debilitating condition which Spring always brings. Do you want to bo cured of that languid feeling, got back your appetite, sloop eoundly, and feel like a now man? Ayer's Sarsaparilla will do it. It has done it for thousands. It has been doing it for 50 years. Try it. Bend let Uis "Curcbook." ioo papes.frec. J. C. Aycr Co. Lowell. Mass. The Prospectus of'the Home for 18U8. Tho excellent stories, for which the Home is noted, will he continued ; the Fiishou and Fancy Work deimrtments will be kept up to a high standard. Kate Sanborn will continuo her bright "Off-IInnd Talks." and evorv one of the nnmerou?departuu'nts will he increased hi id made brighter. TTki: Noiice. You nrc given a choice of one of the following articles and tho Home for threemonths foronly 15 cents Loid Llslo's Daughter,' by Charlotte M. vlJraeme; Book of 00 pages'on Crocheting and lCnitting;or i Staruping Outfit ot 00 patterns, many large designs, including centerpieces, doilies, etc. Illustrated premium list, or outlit for canvns-lug sent free. Tin; Hojit: Tim. Co ,-'Ml Milk St. Boston, Mass. Notice Por Publication. $. No. .1107. . Land OillcintS:ilt Lake ''.ity.UtnlW Jan. 0, lol)SJ Notice is hereby given that tho following-named settlor has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in suppor. of his claim, and that said proof will ho made before the ltegi6ter and Receiver U. S. Land Olhce at Salt Lal.o City, Utah, on Feb. 10, 180S, viz: John II Smith on lid 10052 for the N M S 13 H Sec. 22 and N J4 S W M S?c. 2 Tp 11 S. R. 1 E. Ho names thu following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John L. Howard, Jnmee Alexander, Mantissa, Fitzgernll, Emanuel Vombaiir all cf' Draper, Utah. II. N. McGittw, Register. FitAMC D. Honos, Attorney. (l'lrst I'ubllcn'.ioii Jan. IS) Con'oienco. For the sixty eighth annual conference of tho Church of 'Jesus Christ of Lutter-Day Lutter-Day Saints at Salt Lake City, April 0-0, the O. S. L. wilt sell round trrp tickets April f to 0 inclusive at tho following rates: From Provo .' $1 OJ Lake view 150 Plea8HiitGrrve.; 150 American Fork. . . , , 1 35 Loht., ' 12 Lehi J unction 12 All ticketslimitud to continuous passage, final limit April 16. THE WHOLE system feels tho effect of IlooiVs Sarsaparilla stomach, stom-ach, liver, kidneys, heart, nerves aro 1 strengthened and SUSTAINED. Saratoga Salvation. Saratoga Salvation is tho intrinsic .aluo of tho wonderful waim springe on on' tho Utah Lake. It poaKceees an nc-tual nc-tual and unrivalled power to cure many internal and external diseabes. You aro not ttyiug an experiment hut the ustrWi'iit elements of the natural warm mineral water. It is well proven an utward sickness is the eouseqUense of a bud circu'ation of nnwter. Nature gives the right regulator and the power of Snratoga springs water is therefore univiirsiilly well known. Instead of a bath make use of thcastringent elements of tho water at home which will give much better results. Saratoga Salvation 1 drives out the ireniH of sicklies0, ie- j emits tho strength of the nores and makes tho body whole and feound. 1 For sale in L-slti by Peoples Co-op and 11 B. Merrihew. Price. -.10 cents a bottle. , ' i Prefiared by Prof. A. Siehflrt, Par.it I toga Spiings,"Li'hi. i : the Union Pacific Passes through the beet cities and towns u Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, Kanas and Nebraska, and is the host route to Denver, Kansas City, Council BluflV, Sioux City, St. Locis, Chicago-and all eastern points. Tho advantage gamed by traveling via tho Union I'ncifie aro Quick Time, Uncquoled Service, MagniuVont Equipment, Double Drawing Room, Pulnian Palaco Sleepers, Pullman Dining Cars, Free Reclining Chair Cars, Pullman Tourist Sleepers. For time tables, pamphle'.B descriptive of the country traversec, rates of fare, or any other infonnr.tion, address E. L., LOMAX, GEN'.- PA8S' AND TlOKl-T AOKNT, Omaha, Nku. Tourist or Family Sleeping Car S?ivics Do you know that every evening ihe Denver & Rio tiraude .Jt. 11. in. connection con-nection witli the R. CI. W? (niri n l.urht or Family. Sleeping Car to Denver, in which n lower berth can be senired for $2.00? In addition to this daily service, tho D. & R. CI. W. also onerates on Wednesdays, Tliursdaysand Fild.iys, three distinct Tourist Sleeping Car lines to Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago Boston and New York no change for Utah passengeie at greatly reduced bei tli rates. These Tourist cars are managed by tho P.illmtn Company and aro provided with nil iiecc-fnry conveniences and pppliances. Tho Tourist car fcjitnro, together with the admirable train service and Ecenir attractions at-tractions of tlie route, lias placed tho 1. it It. U. in tlie foiemcst ranks of W.Ptern Railroads. For rates and detailed de-tailed information, apply to any Ticket Agent of the R. CI. W., or to 11. F. Nevins", general Agent, or II. II. Gushing, Gush-ing, Traveling Passenger Agent, D. & R. (.! , No. 58 West 2nd South St., Salt Lake City. Sent Free! To any person interes'ted in human mattersf or vvho loves animals,- we will ond free, upon application, a copy of the "ALLIANCE," tile, organ of this society. In addition" to itsintersely interesting rending, it contains a list of ho valuable and unusual premiums iveu by t!,io papor. Address, The National Human Alliance, -U0-4H Hi ited Charities Building, New vrk. A Cure for Bilious Colic. Repouiw, Scieven'Co., Ga.I have been subject to attacks of bilious coli for several years. Chamberlain.s Colio Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is the only sure relief. It acts liko a charm. One dose of it gives relief when all other remedlesfail.G.D. Sharp, For Eale by II. B. Merrihew, druggist. 0ASTO1H.IA. vMuruto Your HotvoIs With discards. Cnnuy rntliiirUc euro constipation forever "'.iO.'. It",O.C faIl,(lrui:(,'ist.sutunduioiioy. ii ..-. ---,. , M S, W ROSS, I HIGH GRADE PORTRAITS A SPECIALTY. SuUwfncUon GUtirnntooU.-CT. Frank D, ETobbs, fl.fttc netrlster U. S. Land OfTicc All kinds of land br.eincss attended to promptly. Cor- reipondencesoliaited. Twenty- - dir?e year? experience. OiflW , , nextdoor to U. S. Land Oflic".'. RoouSOO. Salt. "Lake City Utnh. DR. MERRIHEW, JdijiXrtiP Gortd work tit reasonable prices,. Oflice at Merriliew's Drii'j; Store. LEHI CITY, UTAH. i - ' i HARWOOD andSO Carries a full .a'o--u of nil grades o I Harness, PaddUt, Collars and I all kinds of horse goods. I Oflice of Notary Public in samu building I Deeds and all kinds of legal papers I drawn and acknowledged . I James Hanvood Notary Public I American Fork City Roller Mills f Our patent and straight grado f FLOUR Beats everything for quality ,f W. D. Robinson & Go. j JS.ioricai. Fo-lc, TJ-biais. a Dr. Oliristensen, I DENTIST, I American Fork, Utah. TKUKMM & WEDGrEWOOJ) f -I TTOnXE YS-A T-LA V: I Rooms S and 7 First National Bank I Building, Provo, Utah. I Prizes For Brignt People. SM:U YII.L B.WID-TL'UTUrCKK lotuvi MDODPAP. The ub'U-e letters, if properly arranged, villi ?pell tin uaiiifS of fix will known Hower. Can you solve the Pusalf? If you do you can win a prize.. For the f- neatest and best arranged correct j answer, according to our judgement, of ft the above problem, wo will give a gold- a tilled, hunting case, American Watch; ft to the next best, n Diamond Ring. Wo U gie many otiier valuable prizes in this contest. A few of them aro as follows: $ Silverplated Water Pitchers, Bako f Dishes. Nut Bowls, Butter and Checso Disliestcut gloss, silver mounted Cracker ; Jars, and Bronzes Mantel Clooke, etc., '' In tlie regular order of merit. Write ' out tho words plainly and neatly, and 'f see if you cannot win a prize. Be sure n to give jour full naino and correct ad- ' dress, and enclose a ttvo-ecnt stamp with ij your answer, and wo will notify you , promptly whether you have been suo- cessful or not. Ah the object of theso f' prizes is to cnll attention toandadvertiso , out 2i)-pngu monthly family macazlno & and story paperr Thoso who win prizoe will bo required to send us five yearly ' , subscribers. Try It: see if you aro one of tho "Bright People." Ifyou tiro you may get a watch. We will alsu pay $10 casli for tho best problem submitted for future uso ur coir. in f day. Addrecs J Chicago Iloao Id ui u a Journal B' 1 |